Tuesday 25 June 2019

"Don't Eat That Filth!"

It seems the very essence of illogical behaviour that hospitals across Northern Ireland have vending machines which stock unhealthy drinks and snacks as health experts warn of an obesity crisis in the province.
Almost two thirds of adults here are classified as overweight or obese and treating obesity costs an estimated £460m a year.
"Eat a nice nutritious listeria sandwich instead!"


  1. Being classified as overweight or obese and actually being overweight or obese are two entirely different things.

  2. If the prices are in the same realm as those charged by the vending machines in my local hospital, few could afford to become a little plump, let alone obese.

  3. Eric from Chilwell28 June 2019 at 19:36

    A listeria sandwich would certainly could cut the rates of obesity

  4. "...two entirely different things."

    You'd think medically-trained people would know that, wouldn't you?

    "If the prices are in the same realm as those charged by the vending machines in my local hospital, few could afford to become a little plump, let alone obese."

    True story: when my father was in the hospital that finally killed him, in Essex, the sandwiches he was served were always ice-cold. We found out it was because they came from Wales!

    Imagine what the cost of transporting them must have been...

    "A listeria sandwich would certainly could cut the rates of obesity"

    Heh! True!
