Tuesday 25 June 2019

To Be Fair, John, They Don't Have To, Do They?

The story in question being a typical 'person tries to ingratiate himself with the woke community, finds there's always someone even woker' thing that we've seen so often over at the blog of David Thompson (his latest is a peach!).


  1. I'd assumed "Woke" was a misprint until now, but what a stupid word to use for these opinionated and self-obsessed pricks. But as we use the word "Traveler" for those who don't travel, etc, etc, I suppose it's appropriate enough.

    So to me Woke means Unaware (of the larger picture, rights of others, other opinions, balance, etc.

  2. "...but what a stupid word to use for these opinionated and self-obsessed pricks."

    But it does rhyme so nicely with 'broke'... ;)
