Friday 21 June 2019

So, Theresa May Wasn't Always Wrong...

Lord Dubs, whose life was saved when he came to the UK on the Kindertransport as a small child, spoke on Tuesday at a rally outside parliament organised by Safe Passage and another charity, Help Refugees.
He appealed to the government to resettle 10,000 child refugees in the next 10 years. He said Theresa May had previously urged him to drop his amendment to the Immigration Act 2016, known as the Dubs amendment, to allow some of the most vulnerable child refugees to come to the UK because she feared “others would follow”.
“We parted without agreement,” said Dubs.
Good. It makes a change to see our useless ex-PM do something sensible for once...


  1. One of the best things that Theresa May ever did was stand up to the 'refugees welcome' shroud-wavers or groups like 'Safe Passage' which is in itself closely associated with the pro-migrant, pro-Islam leftist 'community umbrella group' Citizens UK.

    They say that there's no fool like an old fool and Lord Dubs is most certainly an old fool who is used like a virtue signalling talisman by Safe Passage and other naive 'refugees welcome' groups. Whilst I accept that the experience of being one of those rescued from the Nazis by the Kindertransport, Lord Dubs fails to distinguish between the children of the Kindertransport and those individuals, few of which are genuine children in need, who are posing as 'refugees' and exploiting the concept of refugee status.

    Lord Dubs fails to comprehend that whereas the Kindertransport children were from good families, from a culture easily integrated into our own and were selected with a view to them not being a burden on the state, the modern so-called 'refugees' are another kettle of fish entirely. Many of the Kindertransport children went on to do great things in business, academia, culture and in medicine and have genuinely enriched the United Kingdom. On the other hand the 'refugees' that Lord Dubs is being wheeled out to support, will be a continual burden, will most likely not contribute to the country in any way and worse may well pose a security threat to us. We should not forget that the Parsons Green bomb attack was carried out in part by men brought in as 'child refugees' and housed by a pair of idiots who swallowed whole the 'refugees welcome' narrative that these men were children in need.

    Lord Dubs is wrong and no matter how much he waves his credentials around and the fact that these 'refugees' are nothing like the Kindertransport children will not change.

  2. My comment would have made several of the points made by Fahrenheit but, as usual, he expresses them so clearly and succinctly that there's nothing original for me to say.

  3. "They say that there's no fool like an old fool and Lord Dubs is most certainly an old fool who is used like a virtue signalling talisman by Safe Passage and other naive 'refugees welcome' groups. "

    I don't think they are naive. Oh, their foot soldiers certainly are but those in charge? No, they have an agenda.

    And yes, the Kindertransport was a world away from the modern wave of gimmiegrants.
