Friday 21 June 2019

Time To Make Up Your Minds, Ladies...

Is it 'I'm the equal of any man, how dare you treat me differently!'..?

Or is it 'Waaah! You manhandled me, you brute!'..?
Police began looking into the incident on Thursday night after footage seemed to show Mark Field pushing the female Greenpeace activist against a pillar and grabbing her neck.
There were calls for Field to lose his position as a Foreign Office minister.
In the fevered atmosphere and times in which we live, any activist should be considered a potential threat, shouldn't they? And treated accordingly.

No matter that gender they are. 
The Liberal Democrat former cabinet minister, Sir Ed Davey, called on Field to resign from the government.
“No ifs, no buts about this. The sight of some penguin suited Tory minister behaving in a violent way towards a female Greenpeace activist absolutely stinks.”
You male chauvinist pig, Davey! Who needs your white-knighting? Am I right, ladies?

Or are you all just opportunist hypocrites?


  1. I'd bet he was concerned he would have battery acid thrown in his face. He shouldn't resign but he will be forced too or pushed out.

  2. Mark Field was just doing a public service. End of.

  3. He could have just grabbed a milkshake and thrown it over her. The LibDims and Labour seem to like that sort of thing.

  4. "Or are you all just opportunist hypocrites?"

    It would appear that the vast majority of them are.

  5. "He shouldn't resign but he will be forced too or pushed out."

    I suspect so. Because the Tory Party has no balls, and no spine either.

    "The LibDims and Labour seem to like that sort of thing."

    Spot on! The stench of rank hypocrisy is strong these days.

    "It would appear that the vast majority of them are."

    Indeed. *sighs again*
