Thursday 20 June 2019

What Does It Take To Get Essex Police To Investigate Properly?

A spokesman for the police said the force have been carrying out house to house inquiries and are reviewing CCTV footage in the area.
An assault? A mugging?
Essex Police are investigating after the stickers, which they described as anti-Muslim, were placed over various bus stops in Long Road, Canvey.
The incident is the second case where anti-muslim posters have been put up in South Essex.
Around May 19, at least a dozen posters, carrying a white supremacist logo, went up on roads in Rayleigh with the message 'Islamists not welcome', and 'stay back or we will kick you back'.
Ah, well, while they are out knocking on doors they might accidentally stumble over clues to the hammer-wielding muggers roaming Canvey with impunity.

Stranger things have happened!


  1. I liked the Father's Day argy-bargy story, as we..

    Southend seems so much fun.

  2. It's vibrant! And getting more so every year...
