Thursday 22 August 2019

No, No, There's No Proof It's Harmful...

Statements from four of Ahmed Nur’s friends were read out at the inquest today by the coroner, Mary Hassell, at the inquest at St Pancras coroner’s court.
Their evidence laid bare the stress and trauma Ahmed Nur was going through before his death. As well as dealing with the distress of being imprisoned and tortured as a child in Eritrea before he fled, he was constantly worrying about his family, especially his younger brother, who was in prison in Egypt, and his older brother, who was in Sudan. He felt he should be providing support for both of them but was unable to do so.
His friends said he turned to alcohol and cannabis.
Because that helps!
After he was stopped and searched by the police, he became convinced that because he was smoking cannabis he was going to have his refugee status revoked and would be arrested and imprisoned for a long time and deported back to Eritrea. He believed that he was being followed, that there were videos about his drug use on YouTube, and that his drug use was being broadcast by newsreaders on the BBC and by TV sport commentators when he watched football matches.


  1. I'm afraid that I have no sympathy, and am simply glad that there are 3 fewer of them.

    “One possibility leaps out at me is that this young man is becoming psychotic. I’m really surprised that nowhere in this whole discussion anyone is exploring that,” she said. - a well-known side effect of cannabis, as is paranoia: "He believed that he was being followed, that there were videos about his drug use on YouTube, and that his drug use was being broadcast by newsreaders on the BBC and by TV sport commentators when he watched football matches."

  2. Going by the name, I would suggest the deceased was a member of the ToP, a religion where alcohol and drugs are had an. So, no heaven for the young man and no 72 virgins.
    Of course, we all know that Harman activities are selective to Muslims, so perhaps his imaginary deity will take pity on him and allow him to end up outside the door to his heaven with a 72 year old nympho to spend the rest of eternity with. We can only hope.

  3. "'m afraid that I have no sympathy, and am simply glad that there are 3 fewer of them."


    " perhaps his imaginary deity will take pity on him and allow him to end up outside the door to his heaven with a 72 year old nympho to spend the rest of eternity with. We can only hope."

