Thursday 22 August 2019

Tough On Knife Crime..?

Levi Allen, 28, had the blade in Lottbridge Drove, Eastbourne in June.
He admitted possessing the weapon at Hastings Magistrates’ Court, where he was given a 12-week suspended prison sentence.
Allen, of Seaside, Eastbourne, was spared prison because he showed remorse, and his last offence was committed eight years ago.
Don't make me laugh!


  1. Chronic recidivism is one consequence of revolving door court justice.

    Yet try to see the positives, JuliaM. Not everyone is losing out here...some cosseted defendants of no particular description and their green form lawyers, are doing very nicely.

  2. Lottbridge Drove - did that used to be Lottbridge Drive?

  3. "...his last offence was committed eight years ago..."

    The last time he was caught was eight years ago.

  4. The Argus article smacks of poor descriptive writing as it suggest he had the knife at the magistrates court. My old English teacher would have a cadenza over the way the article was written. "At Hastings magistrates court, he was found guilty of possession of a bladed instrument....", or something similar.
    Picky? Perhaps, hut describe the scene correctly or it can cause confusion.

  5. "Translation:-
    The last time he was caught was eight years ago."


    "My old English teacher would have a cadenza over the way the article was written..."

    That's modern 'journalism' for you!
