Thursday 12 September 2019

Is There Anything In That Bag...

...that'll help if a police helicopter crashes on your pub, then? Or you're lying in a ditch in a crashed car awaiting rescue that never comes?

Naturally, this being Twitter, the mocking was immediate, savage and merciless:

Not that the police will learn anything from it. It's as if Superman constantly forgets he's vulnerable to Kryptonite...


  1. Well I know it's rather stupid, and funny too, but for some years I've carried a substantial first aid kit in my car, and multiple Hi Vis waistcoats. OK, it's mainly to do with a job in the construction industry, but when a car behind me in a queue cannoned forward and shunted the car in front into the back of mine and then into the car in front of me (the driver's foot slipped off the clutch - Oh, and it was a woman, by the way) I was able to kit out the drivers of all 4 cars - to the astonishment of the police and fire brigade when they turned up. I've also got into the habit of carrying a small first aid kit on holiday and when out and about. OK, so it's a couple of antiseptic wipes and a collection of plasters, but it's a start.

  2. "the mocking was immediate, savage and merciless"
    I give a little giggle of glee when those moments begin. They're the best thing about Twitter

  3. Good advice...but too little, too late. I never travel to Scotland without my helicopter deflector hat. Neither do I associate with Native dipsomaniacs, who are all at some measurable risk of a bitter plod experience.

    In addition to the Vaseline, vinyl gloves and blow-up doll, do please tell us what other emergency items you keep in your own Grab Bag, Penise.

  4. Post Brexit Apocolypse, as per yellowhammer.

    Don't forget the little book for translating Scots patter.
    Money might be useful, or maybe some trinkets for barter should society really break down.

  5. Contrast this hysteria from the police with the shrug and “its part of living in a multi-cultural paradise” when another Islamist blows up a room full of schoolgirls or runs amok on the street stabbing people.

  6. "...but for some years I've carried a substantial first aid kit in my car, and multiple Hi Vis waistcoats."

    Me too! Well, not the hi-vis. But that's so ubiquitous now, it almost no longer stands out.

    "I give a little giggle of glee when those moments begin. They're the best thing about Twitter"

    Yup! :D

    "Money might be useful, or maybe some trinkets for barter should society really break down."

    I bet there'll soon be an app for it!

    "Contrast this hysteria from the police with the shrug and “its part of living in a multi-cultural paradise” when another Islamist blows up a room full of schoolgirls or runs amok on the street stabbing people."

    Damn good point!
