Saturday 28 September 2019


All Britain's 11million cats would have to be microchipped under Government plans.
The modern Tory Party will safeguard your pussy, citizen! Whether you like it or not...

Now, don't get me wrong, I have three indoor-only cats and one occasionally-outdoor cat, and they are all chipped. Because why not? It provides peace of mind.

But to enforce it on everyone? Madness! Nor is it the only whacky bunny-hugger idea: 
The plan is one of a range of animal welfare measures to be put forward at the Conservative Party conference today.
A ban on keeping monkeys as pets and stopping live exports of farm animals for slaughter are also on the cards.
Hunters will be banned from importing endangered animals shot overseas – a measure promoted by Boris Johnson's girlfriend, Carrie Symonds.
See, the modern Tory Party will even safeguard dead animals! How about that!
David Bowles of the RSPCA said mandatory microchipping was a positive step, even if enforcement could be difficult.
Horses should be all microchipped and tattooed - why not start with them, before moving on to cats. Is it because you know damned well where all the unchipped ones are?

But you'll be turning up mob-handed at 89 year old Mrs Smith's door to make sure her little tabby complies with government regulations, I'll bet...

At this stage, as DumbJon nevers tires of pointing out, just what makes this Conservative Party in any way, shape or form conservative..?


  1. They'll have to prise my pet monkey from my cold, dead hands I tell ya!

  2. Sounds as if some two legged fat cats want more cream in their pay awards rather than anything to do with animal welfare. If,as you say , they were really concerned they would be going after the pikeys horses - but something like that is work, something they don't understand.

  3. I'd like to see a Conservative party - indeed, a party of any stripe - that promised to shred many of the statute books and get out of people's lives. Defend the borders, empty the bins, keep the power running - that's all we need. Instead, we have Boris and his goons competing with Labour and the Lib Dems to spunk away as much of our money as they can. Trouble is, far too few people pay any meaningful tax and have no skin in the game.

  4. If my cat isn't chipped to start with, how do they propose to prove that I own it? It comes into my house and I feed it, what does that prove? It would be interesting to see a case go to court.

  5. @ JT - since they are now talking about banning new gas boiler installations as soon as next year, I can't see any hope of them "Getting out of peoples lives" anytime soon...

  6. I have three unchipped indoor cats (no point) and the Conservatives can kiss my arse

  7. "Sounds as if some two legged fat cats want more cream in their pay awards..."

    Yup! Business as usual.

    "Trouble is, far too few people pay any meaningful tax and have no skin in the game."

    No taxation without representation, eh?

    "If my cat isn't chipped to start with, how do they propose to prove that I own it?"

    Damn! You've foiled their cunning plan! :D

    "...and the Conservatives can kiss my arse"

    Or indeed, the cats'...!
