Saturday 26 October 2019

A Rare Victory!

A former poster girl for Scotland Yard who lost 33 race claims against the police watchdog is now facing trial for ‘recklessly’ disclosing information about victims.
Yup, it's her again!
It is said that she ‘knowingly or recklessly’ broke data protection rules by downloading sensitive files relating to victims and witnesses from the watchdog which is now known as The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC).
The case brought by the Information Commissioner is due to go to trial in February.
But that's not the victory of which I speak (though hopefully it'll be another win against this race-hustler).
Separately, this week an employment judge ordered the former detective to pay £5,000 in costs for her ‘misguided’ claims against the IPCC, which wasted £50,000 of taxpayers’ money.
The lawyers who represented her have also agreed to pay £40,000 in costs and apologise for pursuing what was described as an ‘exceptional waste of time’.
How refreshing!
In her judgment published this week, the judge noted that Miss Howard was broke and said she was suffering from ‘severe anxiety’.


  1. Cheating lying and stealing...what the Bill does best.

  2. This is great. We used to roll over all the time every time the word "racist" was used but hopefully this will be the start of a fightback.
    This woman has pushed her luck far too often.

  3. It isn't the Police's money, it's ours.

    Many of Africa's problems are down to giving the natives guns.

  4. You might just as well say 'black and's what they do best".
    None of which relevant or true. You have politicians, lawyers and bankers who lie. You also have householders who lie, especially about lawnmowers.
    People of all walks of life lie, so why just pick on the Police?

  5. Because the Police in the UK do it best, they are Champion Liars.
    I speak as a retired Police Officer from a Colonial Force. I have personally arrested lying Police Officers and enjoyed doing so. We had the reputation of being the Finest In the Orient.

  6. @ WC Jaded.

    Police must take extra pains to ensure that 'there' accounts are both accurate and reliable, dear. You appear to be unable to comprehend that Justice and good public order/service are entirely dependent and hang upon, the truthfulness and integrity of police.

    'Whose' a bigger fool than her own comments make her out to be, then?

  7. You contribute nothing here Melvin except to correct spelling and grammar. Well done.

  8. @selsey.steve,
    That Colonial Force wouldn't be the Hong Kong Police, would it? You know, that one where quite a few were arrested on corruption charges as they were about to board the plane taking them back to the UK and their life of luxury.
    Or perhaps it was the British South African Police where speeches of Oswald Moseley and white supremacists were used as training manuals.
    Do tell.

    Not Jaded

  9. I'm great with this but, you knew there was one, I'm less impressed with the lawyers having to pay £40K. That means that lawyers will now have to consider their case and look at if they can win or not. In effect a trial before the trial. They may decide not to pursue a legitimate case in case they get fined by the State. Best just let them not get paid and/or have to pursue the claimant and not have the state being vindictive.

  10. "This is great. We used to roll over all the time every time the word "racist" was used but hopefully this will be the start of a fightback."

    The news this week that the cops who had to restrain an off his meds nutter have been charged with MURDER suggests something quite different, sadly...

    "...I'm less impressed with the lawyers having to pay £40K. That means that lawyers will now have to consider their case and look at if they can win or not."

    Don't they do that already?
