Saturday 26 October 2019

What's The Point Of Sussex Police?

Tyler Strudwick was taken to hospital with concussion after being attacked by another pupil at Portslade Aldridge Community Academy last Monday.
Eleven-year-old Tyler’s parents claim the school did not inform them he had been attacked – instead saying he had bumped his head.
Typical. Still, at least there's always the police to rely o...

When Tyler, of Fishersgate, reported the incident to the police he was told it was not a police matter.
Assault isn't? Really? I knew they'd become lazy box-tickers, but I didn't think it had gone this far!
Sussex Police said in their response to Tyler: “Due to this occurring on school premises in school hours this needs to be taken up with and dealt with by the school. Unfortunately this is not a matter for the police.”
If he'd misgendered someone, though... whoa, nelly! Blue lights, sirens, and 'GO GO GO!'...
Sussex Police confirmed they would not investigate matters at schools.
So even when the press shines a light on them, they still stick to their guns?
PACA head Mark Poston said: “We have investigated thoroughly. We want all students to move on and make better choices.
“Out (sic) agenda is always to help students reflect and learn.”
But not to protect them against physical assault? Or to demand that the police do their job?

Seems like a school to avoid, then.


  1. I suspect that if the victim had been of a 'protected characteristic' and had their feelings rather than their person hurt, then the police would have been very interested in this matter indeed.

  2. The boy's father should go to the school and kick the living shit out of the headmaster, safe in the knowledge that it's in a school during school hours, and so outside police jurisdiction. He could do the same to the perpetrator, as well.

  3. If the headmaster wasn't a tosser, he wouldn't be either a teacher or a headmaster.

  4. So a pupil stabs a boy on school premises it's no longer a crime? Wounding or even homicide is something for the school authorities to 'sort out'?
    I guarantee that if the 'victim' had been a Pie-Key or a follower of Aloha Snackbar, then the outcome would have involved Armed Response Vehicles (at least 3), the immediate appointment of a Detective Chief Superintendent as Lead Investigator and a well-publicised statement from the Chief Constable spouting platitudes about 'Community Safety' and the appointment of specially trained officers to support the affected families during this difficult period.
    FFS! You really could not make this up!

  5. This has just got to be one for DI Roy Grace!

    They'll all end up in some godforsaken building near Hove station, and the boy's mother will be arrested on suspicion of walking on the cracks in the pavement!

    Grace's wife will be at the mortuary, looking at a finger, and Asda will have a field day with all that fast food being shovelled across the road.

    The bishop of course, will have to have his leg off...

  6. "The boy's father should go to the school and kick the living shit out of the headmaster, safe in the knowledge that it's in a school during school hours, and so outside police jurisdiction."

    It would concentrate minds, wouldn't it?

    "FFS! You really could not make this up!"

    The sad thing is, you don't have to...

    "This has just got to be one for DI Roy Grace!"

