Thursday 14 November 2019

Fatal Attraction...

Janet D'Aleo died Wednesday after being rushed to Baystate Medical Center. The dog lived at 584 Thrall Avenue, which is the home of former state Rep. Annie Hornish, an animal rights activist.
D'Aleo had been visiting Hornish's mother, Agnes Wosko, when the pit bull attacked her, causing "substantial and severe injuries," Chief Richard Brown said.
What is it with these creatures, that people still think they can be rehabilitated?
Hornish has now been quoted as blaming her mother's home health aid who struck the dog with a metal stool after the dog jumped on D'Aleo, who uses a walker.
"It seems as if the dog got excited and it was overexuberant," Hornish said. "[The dog] jumped on a friend with a walker and she fell backward and we believe that's what killed her."
Luckily, the coroner isn't fooled.
By Friday evening, it was reported that the medical examiner's office determined the 95-year old's death was caused by the dog bite.
Were there no other warning signs (as if 'being a pit bull' wasn't enough)?
Dexter had six different owners by the age of 4 when he reaches Hornish.
QED, I think!

H/T: DogsBiteOrg via Twitter


  1. Just trawled through US compiled statistics...deaths from shark attacks each year are typically 1-2 whilst >40 Americans are killed by dogs, 72% of which are Pit Bulls.

    Spielberg, where are you?

  2. "Spielberg, where are you?"

    Heh! At least Americans aren't daft enough to keep sharks.
