Thursday 14 November 2019

Intestinal Fortitude...

I wonder what 'this' is?

The death of a loved one? Being told you have incurable cancer? Losing your life savings?

Having called the takeaway to complain, Miss Baxter said she was "disgusted" by the response. "I rang and there was just no remorse, no apology. He said to me three times 'come back and I'll make you another curry', but that wasn't the point.
"The whole experience was completely devastating and I was in tears all night. My 12-year-old daughter's not a vegetarian but was so upset she didn't eat her own dinner."
Good grief! Snowflake mother, snowflake daughter!
Responding to Miss Baxter's claims, Rakib Imam from Melton Spice said: "Someone called to say they had chicken in their vegetarian curry and we have refunded them.
"If there is a mistake, we have to see the curry first and then we can investigate what has happened. The lady said it had chicken in it, but refused to bring it back to us."
I wonder why..?

H/T: Dave Ward via email


  1. Crikey! When I discovered diced carrots in my Sainsbury lamb casserole, the manager apologised seppuku fashion.

  2. It’s the lack of protein and B12 that turns them into narcissistic attention seeking drama queens.

  3. There are some who should not be permitted to live outside an institution: and they certainly should not be allowed to breed - or vote!

  4. If she's a vegetarian, then how did she know (or suspect) that it was chicken?

  5. "but that wasn't the point."
    Of course it wasn't. Nothing less than closing of the establishment, prison for the owner and staff and massive amounts of compo so she never has to work again
    Mistakes are not to be tolerated in our more enlightened age

  6. "It’s the lack of protein and B12 that turns them into narcissistic attention seeking drama queens."

    I suspect most are quietly vegetarian or vegan and just get on with life. It's those who are already loons who simply choose this as another avenue to vent their spite on the world...

    "Mistakes are not to be tolerated in our more enlightened age"

    Unless it's the sort of mistake that entails letting out a convicted terrorist early, and inviting him to London. That'll be tolerated, you mark my words!
