Monday 18 November 2019

"I spun around and said; "Now listen you may be a charming fella, but you're just cruisin' for a bruisin' just the same""

Andrew Graham, of Sandbrook Close, Shavington admitted sexually assaulting a train worker at Manchester Oxford Road Station following a British Transport Police investigation.
The 45-year-old pleaded guilty to sexual assault by touching at Manchester Magistrates Court on Monday, October 28.
The court heard how on Friday, March 29, Graham approached the train dispatcher from behind and grabbed his bottom. The Northern staff member immediately turned around and confronted Graham, refused him travel and told him to leave the station.
Graham did so but then returned and began remonstrating with his victim, arguing and squaring up to him and the victim’s colleague.
He seems charming...
In police interview Graham admitted he was drunk at the time and could remember few details but claimed that any touching had merely been ‘banter’.
Probably was. So...why the sexual element to the charge? Is it because it attracts a higher sentence?

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