Friday 13 December 2019

Rejoice, Rejoice!

At the time of posting, it looks very much like it's going to be a Tory government again. And with a significant majority into the bargain!

I know, I's not very 'Tory' at all. And the future of Brexit isn't a done deal, it's going to be an uphill struggle.

But Labour have been seen off in decisive fashion! Britain rejected the politics of hatred and division.

And the party must surely now begin the Night of the Long Knives to remove the toxic Corbyn and Momentum faction, and restore it to a party people can vote for with a clear conscience once again.

Why, it's almost as if it's Christmas!


  1. There doesn't appear to be a Kinnock denunciation on the horizon at the moment.

  2. I'm very relieved, of course. Having said that, there were some horrific results in London and I remain disturbed that a third voted for an anti-British and anti-white Labour party, and another tenth for the insane Illiberal Anti-Democrats. Throw in the Groans and various other barrel scrapings and knocking on for half the population is either retarded or actively malevolent. That's a bit sobering.

    The Unconservatives fought a pitiful campaign, nowhere near aggressive enough. Labour could, and should, have been utterly destroyed. A few more seats could have gone to a Brexit alliance had Boris not rejected Farage's offer of a pact.

    And Rotherham, after everything that's happened there, vote Labour yet again as they have done repeatedly since the grooming scandal was revealed. The utter cretins.

  3. All we need now is the Ruse of Soywalker to bomb and it will be perfect!

  4. It’s not “very Tory”, but the party is certainly in better shape now that the likes of Rory Stewart, Dominic Grieve, and Ken Clarke have gone. I’m disappointed that Philip Hammond didn’t return to the fold: he was a better chancellor than Sajid Javid. Overall though, it’s the most right-wing Tory party we’ve had since the Thatcher years.

  5. "And Rotherham, after everything that's happened there, vote Labour yet again as they have done repeatedly since the grooming scandal was revealed. The utter cretins."

    Possibly one can draw conclusions about the cultural make up of the majority in Rotherham?

  6. Possibly one can draw conclusions about the cultural make up of the majority in Rotherham?

    It's overwhelmingly white. At the last census it was 3% Pakistani. Often we think certain groups are larger than they are because they create so much trouble.

  7. Having seen that video clip at Guido’s place I think that we as a nation saved ourselves from 5 years of hell. What was most worrying was the self censorship of the media by ignoring the horror that was brewing in the commie ranks. Thanks Beeb, channel 4 and the Grauniad. The poison racist porridge wog and Jo Swinson should both bury their heads in shame at being willing to conspire with the hare filled racists against the English people

  8. "There doesn't appear to be a Kinnock denunciation on the horizon at the moment."

    This lot are too lazy... ;)

    "Having said that, there were some horrific results in London..."

    To be expected. London isn't England, any more...

    "All we need now is the Ruse of Soywalker to bomb and it will be perfect!"

    I think it's scrape through on the basis that everyone's too busy hating on 'Cats' to spare it any vitriol!

    "...the party is certainly in better shape now that the likes of Rory Stewart, Dominic Grieve, and Ken Clarke have gone. "


    "The poison racist porridge wog and Jo Swinson should both bury their heads in shame..."

    I bet we see Swinson in the HoL before long!
