Thursday 12 December 2019

The Twelve Days Of Musical Christmas - Day 1

It's time to get into the Christmas frame of mind! And forget about the election for at least 5 minutes...

So here's 12 of my favourite Christmas songs, the ones I always listen out for as the season approaches, on the radio or in stores.

And this is one that really doesn't get enough airplay:


I prefer this to any of the more traditional versions.

Though any version of it must be tinged with horror for any surviving officers (if there are any) who dealt with the Moors murders back in the Sixties...


  1. Two of the greatest singers of the twentieth century. You're right, it does not get played enough... which makes its playing even more poignant and special.

  2. No no no, not the Little Effing Drummer Boy. Even such towering talents as Crosby and Bowie can't make it remotely tolerable. After having given birth in the most difficult circumstances, what I really need now is some kid playing a fucking drum.

  3. Well, that's split the audience! :)
