Thursday 12 December 2019

"We Give In To Blackmail..!"

"...which might be why Brighton is a cesspit, I dunno, it's a puzzle."
Speaking to The Argus at the Big Sleep Out, Labour’s Cllr Brennan, who joined Brighton and Hove City Council in May, said: “I want to help the rough sleeping and homeless situation.
“If it was left to me, there wouldn’t be much left in the budget.
“We are using a welfare-first strategy,
“With the tent situation, we are spending so much on enforcement but the community are the ones giving out the tents.
“Instead of eviction, they have to be having some form of support and help – what’s the point of constantly moving them on around the city?”
Ooh, I dunno, maybe giving the poor bloody voters a temporary break from stepping in human excrement on their front doorstep?
Cllr Brennan said this strategy worked with a man who had been camping on Hove Lawns for months, called “Mr Dogg”.
The rough sleeper, who lived on the protected lawns with at least eight tents, complete with a barbecue and camping chairs, has now moved into accommodation.
In August, “Mr Dogg” told The Argus that he would only move if he was given his own flat.
 And he was! Well, it beats working for it, I suppose...
Cllr Brennan said: “I would say to officers they can’t move him, they have to work with him. I was letting them know that he has rights.
“It is a more personalised approach and because I’ve known him, he has compromised.”
Where's the 'compromise' here? What about the taxpayers who are working to fund their own flats?
Cllr Brennan said: “The amount of people with needs – whether it is mental health problems or drug addiction – is rife.”
“This is a symptom of the government cuts.
No, it's a symptom of Brighton becoming known as a soft touch for scroungers. Thanks to you. And to the idiots who vote for you.

Make no mistake - if you vote Labour today, you're voting for much, much more of this.

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