Saturday 25 January 2020

Cases Like This Will Eventually Kill The Asylum System

The vulnerable 48-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was a detainee in Yarl’s Wood immigration removal centre in Bedfordshire when the incident occurred on 30 May 2018.
She has been diagnosed with PTSD and uses an inhaler for her asthma. She has no criminal record and had not been restrained before.
Probably hadn't needed to be, but on this occasion, she clearly did. Because despite running out the clock on her asylum bid (from Nigeria? WTAF?) she didn't want to go:
The woman had been restrained after resisting being put on a charter flight to Nigeria, due to fly from Birmingham airport that evening.
She said she was resisting being taken to the plane because she had spoken to her solicitor and believed the removal was not going ahead.
Clearly, it was.
She was charged with assault and accused of biting three guards and kicking a fourth while being restrained. The woman denies the charges, claiming she was acting in self-defence.
Great! Can I go help drag her onto a plane, and if I cause her any damage in the process, claim I'm acting in self-defence of the long-suffering British taxpayer?
The court heard that the woman was first raped at the age of eight in her home country and was then again at 17. She became pregnant as a result of the second rape and gave birth to a baby who died at six months.
What's that got to do with her appeal to remain here? Nothing, as far as I can see.
James Gwatkin, prosecuting, said the use of force against the woman was “lawful, necessary and reasonable”.
He said: “I accept there was shouting and orders are given in a blunt manner.”
Well, yes.
Davies said: “This is the behaviour of a highly distressed, naked and vulnerable woman.”
None of those states constitute a claim for asylum. None!
The trial judge, Sally Fudge, has reserved her verdict until 11 February.
And if she doesn't rule in the country's favour, we'll see more and more of this. And eventually, the last British taxpayer will say 'Enough! The asylum system is a con and a racket'.

And that can only harm genuine cases....


  1. There simply *aren't* any genuine cases, Julia, IMHO.

  2. She was naked because she had taken off all her clothes, which is, of course, what one would expect - she was just stating that she was sorry for the cultural misappropriation of wearing them in the first place.

    She obviously wasn't doing too badly in her home country if she could afford the air fare.

  3. Judge Fudge???????

  4. If she has been raped twice then that it indeed appalling, but why didn't she feel she could move to somewhere else in Nigeria if necessary?

    If her supporters are going to claim that she is likely to be raped anywhere in Nigeria, then what does that say about the wisdom of importing Nigerians?

  5. She couldn't marry anyone in Kerry Packer's family, now could she?

    Will she fudge the verdict? I'm not taking bets.

  6. THTGB (They. Have. To. Go. Back.)

  7. I’m surprised she hasn’t declared that she’s a lesbian, isn’t that the usual excuse for Nigerians claiming asylum?

  8. This is a very common tactic by Nigerian women to strip off. It's very distracting and it certainly puts you on the back foot. If you grab them in the wrong place-which is easily done-then imagine what they are going to accuse me of doing.
    I've had it done to me and it wasn't a pretty sight.

  9. "There simply *aren't* any genuine cases, Julia, IMHO."

    The law of averages disagrees. But I doubt they are in the numbers we currently see here in the UK.

    "...she was just stating that she was sorry for the cultural misappropriation of wearing them in the first place."


    "If her supporters are going to claim that she is likely to be raped anywhere in Nigeria, then what does that say about the wisdom of importing Nigerians?"


    "I’m surprised she hasn’t declared that she’s a lesbian, isn’t that the usual excuse for Nigerians claiming asylum?"

    Perhaps that's been tried too many times already?

    "This is a very common tactic by Nigerian women to strip off. It's very distracting and it certainly puts you on the back foot."

