Tuesday 21 January 2020

Everyone Knows Where It Came From.

The woman added: “I have no idea where she came from originally, but she was definitely dumped from a vehicle.
“Her front legs were bound with bailing twine, and the twine extended to a length that showed it had been used to pull her from a field.
“Her mouth and teeth had mud in them so she had been dragged originally from a field.
“She was emancipated (Ed: /facepalm) and had severe wounds to her rear, eyes and ears from predators, so we believe she had been in a very weak state in the field.
“I’m only glad that if this is how her early months were spent she’s been spared that for a lifetime.”
And they also know the RSPCA and Essex Police will do nothing about it....


  1. Ronan O'Ronan from Runwell21 January 2020 at 09:08

    What we need is a mass cull of these animals if you know what I mean...

  2. The first few lines I read suggested it was a human. I'm sad it was a horse, but relieved.

  3. Ronan, you've got it in one! Why they have protected species status is incomprehensible.

  4. Dear Julia, please tell me. Do you want the police to arrest any particular Gypsy or try and find the actual guilty one? I'm sure if we arrest the wrong one you will be posting on here about our incompetence. An angry comments section in the local paper is not evidence.

  5. "What we need is a mass cull of these animals if you know what I mean..."


    "Why they have protected species status is incomprehensible."

    And despite electing a 'Conservative' government, it seems bound to continue.

    "Do you want the police to arrest any particular Gypsy or try and find the actual guilty one? "

    The latter would be a start, but I'm actually not fussy.
