Wednesday 22 January 2020

Learned Helplessness

John Edwards and wife May have been living in their flat in Millers Road, Brighton, since 2013.
But their home is covered in black mould which doorman John fears is affecting May’s health as she struggles to fight infections following chemotherapy.
So, why has he run to the paper?
Mr Edwards, 37, said: “I need someone to help my vulnerable family.
“I just need to get my family somewhere safe.
“My wife has breast cancer. I can’t cope anymore and this could kill her. “
Hmmm, seems a bit of a shrinking violet for a doorman's job...
He said in the bedroom condensation water pours down the inside of the windows - which have been painted shut.
And in all the time you've lived there, you've never thought to remove the paint so you can open them?
Adam Kite, manager at agents Sparks and Sons said: “Mr Edwards contacted the council and they contacted us.
“We went round there with environmental health. there was a bit of condensation and we’re happy with the condition of the flat. That was in the summer. I understand these problems get worse in winter.
“Since then we have not heard from him. If he contacts us again we and the landlord are happy to do whatever needs to be done.”
He's too busy giving newspaper interviews, Adam...


  1. Has he considered opening the windows to dry the place out and cleaning the mould? Lazy sod.

  2. I'll virtually guarantee you that any black mould is entirely down to the the occupant heating the place like a furnace and sealing it up like a drum. You don't get black mould from leaking roofs, and I speak as someone who grew up in a house whose roof leaked so badly the wallpaper peeled off the walls. But black mould there was none. Its entirely down to bad household management of heating and air circulation.

  3. Do they wipe their own arses or is that someone else's job too?

  4. "...entirely down to the the occupant heating the place like a furnace and sealing it up like a drum. "

    And ignoring any advice to the contrary.

    "Do they wipe their own arses or is that someone else's job too?"

    If they could demand it, they undoubtedly would!
