Friday 24 January 2020

No, 'Bad Luck' Is When A Tree Falls On Your Head...

...not the inevitable consequences of drug-taking:
A coroner said Luke Blackhurst vomited in his sleep but did not wake up . She said it was “incredibly bad luck”.
Well, yes. What caused it, food poisoning? A cheese sandwich too late at night?
Analysis from a toxicology report found he had low levels of various drugs in his blood, including morphine and ketamine.
Staff at Fred Emery Court had met Luke in the weeks before his death after he and two friends had caused noise disturbances in the housing project, which Luke had attributed to alcohol.
The coroner recorded a conclusion of misadventure, and said Luke’s death was drug-related.
She added: “Losing someone like Luke is something no one who knew him will ever recover from, but I hope there is some comfort in the fact that he was asleep in the last hours of his life.”
Of course, the parents - sorry, parent, dad's not in the picture, it seems - feel that someone's to blame. 

What? No, not him! Not the friends who took drugs with him. Not the dealer who sold him drugs.

Don't be silly...
Mrs Blackhurst believes there was not enough support in place for her son.
She said: “Despite the coroner’s findings, I had concerns for Luke’s safety and level of care.
“There is clearly a need to develop stronger safeguarding processes. I am also really disappointed regarding the lack of understanding regarding Luke’s diagnosis.”
What's to 'understand'? He liked to party. Too much. That's not complicated to understand, is it?
“I would have thought staff would encourage Luke to go to the adult learning difficulty team at the council or that a key worker would have helped him make an appointment with this service, but it was not addressed. Luke needed gentle prompting.”
Well, you're his mother. Why didn't you do it, instead of expecting strangers to do it?
She said: “Professionals I’ve spoken to all say they know what autism is but the question is, do they? Putting pressure on people with autism can make things much worse.
Isn't 'prompting' putting pressure on people then? Make up your mind!


  1. As usual, someone else should have done something. My inclination is to think that the majority of overdoses are happy volunteers . . .

  2. Robert the Biker24 January 2020 at 18:24

    Funny how every thick twat, Gobshite and druggie has "Broad Spectrum Autism" nowadays.No loss to the world, and obviously even his mum couldn't handle the little scrote.

  3. "My inclination is to think that the majority of overdoses are happy volunteers . . ."


    "Funny how every thick twat, Gobshite and druggie has "Broad Spectrum Autism" nowadays."

    Someone should investigate. It seems to spread faster than the coronavirus!
