Tuesday 11 February 2020

The Usual Suspects...

Green councillor Leo Littman and Labour councillor John Allcock are behind the move.
You'll never guess what 'the move' is, from that, will you?
They are calling on the council’s chief executive Geoff Raw to write to the Home Secretary Priti Patelrestating our offer to house child refugees”.
Clearly, the most important issue facing their constituents.
The council is understood to have offered to house 100 children as part of the Vulnerable Children’s Resettlement Scheme which was set up by the Home Office.
The scheme is aimed at finding homes for “vulnerable refugee children from conflict zones in the Middle East and North Africa”, the two councillors said.
They added: “This scheme has been running for three years and was designed to resettle 3,000 and yet, so far, a mere 20 unaccompanied minors have been allowed into the UK under it.”
I guess the other 80 didn't pass the vetting. Or turned out not to be children at all!
They also said: “Parliament has jettisoned a commitment to safeguard asylum-seeking minors’ rights to reunite with their families in the UK as part of the Brexit Bill.
On Wednesday, January 8 they said, “MPs voted 348 to 252 against an amendment to protect the right of refugee children to reunite with their families in the UK.”
Good. That's what Parliament is for. Protecting the rights of our citizens.


  1. How about tfirst establishing that hirsute mustachioed minors be first subjected to objective age radiographic tests to establish their real age before allowing them anywhere near communities.

  2. I am sure the long suffering council tax payers in their area will be delighted to shoulder the cost of another 100 children. Amazing how generous some can be when spending other people's money.

  3. Brighton. Did anyone even need to read the article?

  4. "How about tfirst establishing that hirsute mustachioed minors be first subjected to objective age radiographic tests to establish their real age before allowing them anywhere near communities."

    It'd be a start!

    "I am sure the long suffering council tax payers in their area will be delighted to shoulder the cost of another 100 children."

    And yet they'll still vote them back in...

    "Brighton. Did anyone even need to read the article?"

    Well, it could easily have been any number of other cities...
