Wednesday 12 February 2020

Who Could Have Predicted This..?

A new food bank has opened after the existing site struggled to cope with rising demand for its services.
Oh, of course. We all could.
Within six months of its launch, the service had seen more than 1,000 food parcels collected by families.
It has recently found it is oversubscribed and cannot meet the needs of people in the area.
Or the desires...
A sign will be put in place to show people where to go and organisers said the site was open not just to people in Hassocks but also anyone from the wider Sussex area who may need it.
Volunteer Natalie Meehan, who has helped publicise the opening of the food bank, said: “It’s really shocking that the need for community food banks is so prevalent in somewhere as seemingly affluent as Sussex.”
It's not 'shocking' at all. You're giving away free stuff. Of course there's a demand!


  1. Our church hosts a weekly food bank and a couple of members of the congregation help out. My other half is often there at the same time and observes what goes on. Over the past few years or so he's seen precisely two cases of people in genuinely desperate need - both newly-single men. All the rest have been the feckless moochers we hear about: people turning up in flash cars, women caked in make-up and dripping in jewellery, those just returned from holiday abroad who can't be bothered to go to the supermarket, the 'frequent flyers' who turn up week after week despite vouchers supposedly being tightly controlled. And many of the ingrates are very picky about what they receive. This is my shocked face.

  2. "Over the past few years or so he's seen precisely two cases of people in genuinely desperate need - both newly-single men."

    I don't doubt that.
