Tuesday 3 March 2020

I Wonder If It's The Right Question...?


Is it 'Why was my son driving twice over the speed limit two-up on a motorbike with drugs and alcohol in his system and no crash helmet?' perchance?

No, of course not:
Denny’s mum, Sam Ramplin, questioned why the driver of the reversing car had not heard the motorbike approaching.
She said: “Why didn’t he hear the motorbike? We can hear them come, we have all got eyes and ears, we can all hear it.
“It’s one of my questions that will haunt me.”
We've all got brains as well. Some of us use them. Some clearly don't.
In a character reference read out by coroner Michelle Brown at the inquest yesterday, his family told of how many of his pals would look to Denny for advice and guidance, as despite his age, he was very mature.
Well, it is Canvey....


  1. Ho hum. Just some more tears not needing to be shed.

  2. I am reminded of the sign I sometimes see on the back of lorries: "If you can't see my mirrors, I can't see you." There is a point prior to which the driver of a reversing car cannot see. Most of us do the early part of a reverse very slowly, to permit the unseen approaching vehicle(s) to take the necessary defensive action. You could say that if an oncoming vehicle can't see the driver of a reversing vehicle, (s)he should know that they can't be seen in return.

    I'm always amazed at how many people will walk behind a vehicle reversing from a parking space in a supermarket car park. Presumably they arrived in cars, and ought to know what reversing lights mean.

  3. What is it about Canvey? Is it the population? Is it the Essex newspapers putting them down?
    I'm from the other side of Essex (near 'arler, written Harlow) so I've never been to Canvey, and after reading comments on various items in the local press I don’t think that I want to!

  4. Robert the Biker3 March 2020 at 13:09

    Bikes are not like cars, they don’t long tolerate puss heads, druggies or general scum. Put all three on, two up, and their lifespan is measurable in minutes. Another couple of toddlers of the dole permanently

  5. Like many others my area is plagued by illegal motorcyclists. I have even seen them riding on one wheel up our main Street with no helmet or number plates. It's never their fault when they come to grief and if they injure you or damage your car you shouldn't have been in their way. Welcome to today's UK where the police are all busy working on cyber crime and for many of us the rule of law is just a fond memory.

  6. The comments are spot on.

  7. Darwin strikes again.

  8. If you asked anyone to run as fast as they can and then do a swallow dive onto a concrete surface, they would think that you were mad, yet they will ride at 30mph+ with no protective equipment on motorcycles.

  9. His father was of the absent variety and Denny was unempemployed and a drug taker. Nevertheless 'Denny made a massive impact on a lot of people'...and two cars.

  10. Please tell me none of them bred.

  11. His Mum though....you would...

  12. "Ho hum. Just some more tears not needing to be shed."

    It's a waste of vital fluid.

    "You could say that if an oncoming vehicle can't see the driver of a reversing vehicle, (s)he should know that they can't be seen in return."

    I suspect that takes a few more IQ points than this oxygen thief was playing with...

    "What is it about Canvey?"

    God knows! It needs another flood.

    "Put all three on, two up, and their lifespan is measurable in minutes. "

    Oh, indeed. There's a grim sense of inevitability...

    "Like many others my area is plagued by illegal motorcyclists. I have even seen them riding on one wheel up our main Street with no helmet or number plates. "

    Yup, same here. If it was just themselves they'd be risking, I'd say 'crack on!'...

  13. "The comments are spot on."

    Yup! It's amazing how little patience those who have to life amongst these scum have, compared to the chattering classes, isn't it?

    "... yet they will ride at 30mph+ with no protective equipment on motorcycles."

    Their life has, up until now, had few consequences, I expect.

    "Nevertheless 'Denny made a massive impact on a lot of people'...and two cars."


    "Please tell me none of them bred."

    It's Canvey, remember?

    "His Mum though....you would..."

    I believe the classic retort is 'Not even with yours!'...
