Tuesday 3 March 2020

The Not-So-Merry-Go-Round...

Ricky Preddie was first released in September 2010, but recalled to custody in March 2011 after returning to Peckham from his west London bail hostel in breach of his licence conditions.
Then in October 2011 he beat up another prisoner, but a Parole Board hearing on December 23 decided he should be released on January 25, 2012.
He lasted just 16 days before being taken back to prison for again violating his parole by going to areas he was banned from and visiting friends from his old gang.
He was let out in July 2012, which means he has lasted just five months on early release before being hauled before the authorities again for handling stolen goods.
He was released after serving out every day of his eight-year sentence in 2013. Although the eight-year jail term was handed down in 2006, he had already served time behind bars on remand.
And what was the latest sentence?
Ricky Preddie, 32, also known as Ricky Johnson, is back behind bars after pleading guilty to causing serious injury by dangerous driving, driving whilst disqualified, failing to stop, and driving without insurance at Harrow Crown Court on Thursday.
How long before he's out again? Taking bets now!


  1. They're aren't even dealt with properly when there is an unambiguously innocent baby seal of a victim. Perverse isn't the word.

  2. This family are utter vermin, very well known to police in the area including me.
    The person he ran over was a police officer.
    He will never change and will be in and out of prison his whole life.

  3. Could be quite a while, I understand you can make a load of cash in prison these days if you have a mind to. Let's not forget jail holds no fears for regulars and it's a nice break with free food, no bills and of course free TV as well.

  4. As you know, Jaded, there are offenders with less 'form' but who commit crimes which occupy the bulk of today's police shift. Take for example, the reckless motorist who exceeds the speed limit by 2 mph...or the guy on Facebook who thinks the wrong thing.

  5. "Perverse isn't the word."

    It'll do though, since this is a family blog... ;)

    "He will never change and will be in and out of prison his whole life."

    The 'out' part is the most concerning.

    "...and it's a nice break with free food, no bills and of course free TV as well."

    I'm hoping for a nice lethal dose of #Coronavirus...
