Monday 27 April 2020

When Did She Get Her Medical Degree?

Did it come in the same envelope as her gong?
Stephen Lawrence's mother will lead Labour's investigation into the disproportionate impact of coronavirus on BAME communities.
Sir Keir Starmer has tasked Baroness Doreen Lawrence, whose son Stephen was killed in a racist attack 27 years ago this week, to drill down into troubling trends emerging in the epidemic.
This is going to be a tricky one to navigate, requiring a great deal of intelligence to avoid the elephant (in the room) traps along the way. And I don't think she's demonstrated she has that...
Figures from the Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre suggests 34.5 per cent of critically ill patients were from the BAME community.
This is despite 10.8 per cent of the population being black or Asian, according to the 2011 census.
So it's either something about their cultural practices or their basic biology. It's clearly not 'racism', because a virus cannot be racist...
Labour peer Baroness Lawrence said: 'I am proud to take up this role at a critical moment for our country.
'The coronavirus pandemic has brought society together, but it has also exposed the gulf in living standards that still blights our communities.'
Wait, what?
'Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities have long been disadvantaged by the social and economic injustice which still exists in our country.
'There is a clear and tragic pattern emerging of the pandemic's impact on those communities which must be better understood.'
Given you appear to already be focussed on your usual hobbyhorse, rather than approaching it with an open mind and a willingness to look at medical evidence, this is another race-baiting charade, isn't it?


  1. New scientific fact - the virus is white. It must be, 'cos only dem overprivileged whites can be racist . . .

  2. "Black, Asian and ethic minorities........etc, etc".
    What is the percentage of black, Asian and ethic minorities in Parliament, both Houses, as compared to the percentage of population? How many in local government, the sports or entertainment worlds? The Black, Asian and ethnic minorities are not looking for proper equality. The radical members want equality on their terms, with their racial profiles being an additional factor. Of course, the Loony Left are supporting this in the hope that when they are in power, the BAME will remember and support them in their self destructive policies. Being of mixed race myself, I have had the opportunity of seeing both sides and I believe that true equality is impossible as there will always be racist bigots, both white and BAME.
    SoT, am I alone in thinking that Keir Starker is the only person with less charisma than Simon Cowell?

  3. It is almost certainly genetics here. The BAME medical staff who died were not paupers. I wouldn't be at all surprised if it was a mixture og genetics, ACE2 protein receptors being higher in BAME people, plus low vitamin D plus multigeneration households. It is all too easy to go for the poverty and basic jobs route. But she is doing this for the Labour party. Trevor Phillips is doing the same for the government. It should of course be being performed by a notable scientist not a lay person.

  4. Put me down for a Gosh.

  5. Wigner’s Friend27 April 2020 at 12:51

    The suggestion that the disproportionate number of Covid BAME deaths is a result of poverty or social disadvantage falls at the first logic hurdle: a disproportionate number of BAME doctors have fallen to Covid, and there is no way that they are poor or socially disadvantaged.

  6. Makes perfect sense to me.

    I mean she's black innit. Ergo completely qualified.

    Welcome to 'new' New Labour...

  7. This is the woman that accused the fire brigade of racism because lots of BAME died at Grenfell. But she was allowed to apologise and move on and carry on as normal.

    My force "celebrated" Steven Lawrence day recently. Senior officers fell over themselves to wear a hair-shirt in a sickening spectacle of political correctness. Woe betide any officer on the promotion track who dared to disagree.


  8. 10, 20, 30, 40 enquiries or more
    The big, black ‘Baroness’ is running up the score….

  9. Robert the Biker27 April 2020 at 21:19

    Will we never learn? They gave St Doreen of Compensation a Baroness order (or gong or whatever) in the hopes of shutting the whiny bitch up - didn't work. They eventually banged up a couple of the hated White boyz on evidence you wouldn't convict a dog on - didn't work. Now we are expected to prostrate ourselves because more of the holy sainted browns are getting this Kung flu bug than the hated Whieys, perhaps we should report to the gas chambers in droves so this baboon twat will be happy. How about NO Doreen, how about Fuck Off Doreen if you cant leave your whiny victim "all de wurl be,s raciss innit" bullshit behind, how about you just blow it out your fat arse and keep shut while the clever pink people sort out the problem.

  10. Yet two other minorities are over-represented in CV-19 deaths, blokes and old people. Where's the special interest group investigating why that should be?
    There have been viruses in the past that in their second wave preferentially culled the young, or working age, which mutated from variants which first culled the old. This may be impossible with this novel coronavirus, I'm no biologist, but I'd rather resources went to pushing some kind of resistance in the young to this thing, than investigating why a group which barely makes the victim-hood podium is disproportionately represented.
    It is after all going to go on for a very long time.

  11. More MPs have got the virus a percentage than farmers. Does that mean that they are poorer?
    I got it and less than Boris - I can assure that he is richer than me.

    @"Trevor Phillips is doing the same for the government."
    But he said that it can't be poverty because Bangladeshis are dying at a lower rate - he is much more intelligent than Doreen Lawrence.

  12. And how accurate was the census data ?

  13. "What is the percentage of black, Asian and ethic minorities in Parliament, both Houses, as compared to the percentage of population?"

    Somewhat overrepresented, I'd say...

    "It is almost certainly genetics here."

    That's where I lean too. But if it turns out to be 'social factors', I can see a huge bid for more money from the usual suspects.

    "...a disproportionate number of BAME doctors have fallen to Covid, and there is no way that they are poor or socially disadvantaged."

    Well, there's social disadvantage and then there's social disadvantage - what if behaviour is a key factor?

    "Will we never learn?"

    All the evidence so far says 'No'...

    "Where's the special interest group investigating why that should be?"

    Doesn't suit the narrative to point this out...
