Saturday 2 May 2020

"Bad Cops, Bad Cops, What Ya Gonna Do..."

...especially the four legged kind:
PC Paul Sheldrake, 38, has denied being in charge of a dangerously out of control dog which caused injury in a public place.
The officer's black German Shepherd police dog, called Cain, allegedly attacked Marianne McRae while with her pet in Arun Park, Chelmsford, Essex.
Whoops! I take it she wasn't running away with one big padded sleeve on at the time?
He pleaded not guilty to the charge during a ten minute hearing at Ipswich Crown Court today and was given unconditional bail.
His trial which is due to last two days is due to start on July 20.
That long? Why? Or will it be quietly swept under the Coronavirus Carpet..?
The prosecutor told magistrates that Cain was a serving police dog at the time of the incident.
But not, thankfully, now!
Jamas Hodivala QC who is representing PC Sheldrake described the case as 'an unusual prosecution' at the hearing today.
The court heard that the defence had asked for information about the Essex police force's dog handling policies.
If he's a serving police dog handler, shouldn't he know what those policies are?


  1. Select a breed of animal with powerful, bone-crushing jaws and brutally train it to maim/kill humans. Find a handler with an IQ not exceeding 90 and (for the most devastating results) release the pair into the public domain.

  2. Wow a serving Police Officer and a Police dog in the park! I had come to believe they were at best an extinct species and maybe mythical creatures. Certainly the only thing I see of them is an ever bigger bill on my Council tax, well that and the revenue gathering van preying on the more law abiding motorists in the better parts of town. No point in photographing the mindless scroats doing 60 mph in the mean streets with illegal motorcycles, they are too hard to catch and don't pay the fines anyway.

  3. "... brutally train it to maim/kill humans."

    I think you're confusing the police with pit bull enthusiasts...

    "Wow a serving Police Officer and a Police dog in the park! I had come to believe they were at best an extinct species and maybe mythical creatures."

    I haven't seen one for years! Unless it was at a fete or show.
