Saturday 2 May 2020

You Have To Admire The Utter Cheek...

Mr Easthope told the court that what happened was completely out of character, that Ali was well respected and helped others.
 Apart from when he gets behind the wheel and nearly kills someone, you mean?
He said the incident was 20 months ago, that Ali had since been employed in medical administration and that if he wasn't sent to prison he would have the opportunity of working at the Nightingale Hospital.
The one that doesn't yet have any patients? And...wait, why are we wasting a qualified doctor on administrative duties?
The court also heard that in July 2019 Ali was suspended for six months by the General Medical Council over a matter of dishonesty in relation to his application to become a medical practitioner.
Ali was ordered to do 180 hours unpaid work, pay £23,100 in compensation and costs and was banned from driving for 18 months.
The judge didn't mince his words, either.
In passing sentence Judge Richard Bond said: 'The language you used was absolutely disgusting.
'You were so heartless you did not look around. You intended to hit him. You are a man I find hard to sympathise with.
'You deliberately drove at an old man contrary to all the public hopes and expectations of a man who had trained and qualified as a medical doctor.
'You have shown no remorse whatsoever. That really is a pity from a man in your position.'
The judge said Ali was someone who 'blames others and it is never him' and during his trial had tried to claim that he had been the victim of some sort of conspiracy involving the Highbury Park Friends group.
I think the judge is somewhat mistaken about how the public views people like Ali, mind. It seems that losing your rag and using your car as a weapon is very much in keeping with his particular demographic.


  1. There are times when I regret the demise of the British National Party and having read this article today is one of those times.

  2. It's how Paakies behave. What do you expect?

    I've just designed a computer game called 'Paakies versus Jippoes'. WIll it be a success?

    By the way, you know that people are complete tossers if they own BMWs. The fucking things should be banned - and the cars, too!

  3. This character is 40 and graduated from UEA in 2013, so not exactly a child prodigy. I see from the GMC website he was stopped from doing clinical work in 2016 due to concerns about his competence. Then in 2019 after a hearing he was suspended from the medical register for 6 months because of dishonesty. In January this year the GMC essentially put him on probation for 2 years. And now this latest episode. Perhaps this time the GMC will get really tough and ... ooh, who knows? Put him in the naughty book?

  4. Come back Nick Griffin all is forgiven :-)

  5. "This character is 40 and graduated from UEA in 2013, so not exactly a child prodigy."

    Not even a boon to our 'overstretched' NHS. Unless he's great on TikTok, I suppose...

  6. "By the way, you know that people are complete tossers if they own BMWs. The fucking things should be banned - and the cars, too!"

    You're behind the times, it's all Audi, all the time now!
