Tuesday 26 May 2020

'Far Right Sympathisers' Ain't What They Used To Be..!

OMG! Has a British union partnered with such an organisation?

Who is it? The Klu Klux Klan? The Westboro Baptist Church?

Uhhhh... wait. What? Seriously? 

Yes, apparently so. This is  - of course - yet another front in the ongoing Gender Wars. The 'pre-op transexuals are women and should share your young daughter's toilet space, you bigots!' wing has decided that taking on the nation's mums is a sure-fire victory. 

And didn't one of our greatest writers once have something to say about the folly of that? Yes, I believe he did...  

Her contentions are her children,
Heaven help him who denies!
- He will meet no suave discussion, but the instant, white-hot, wild,
Wakened female of the species warring as for spouse and child.

Time, I think, to break this out:


  1. I watched the Cummings interview, and want to point out that it isn't only mothers who have the wellbeing of their children at heart. The attack dog interviewers don't have kids (unsurprising considering their sexual proclivities) or are hopeless as parents.

    Why on earth Dom didn't ask them "Do you have young children yourself?". "What would you have done in my circumstances?" and "Which stance do you take over Brexit?"

    I think he should have told some of the attack dogs just to feck off.

    (Sorry for diverging from the original thread)

    1. I don't mind Dominic Cummings going to his parent's for childcare reasons. I would have done the same. The only bit that niggles me is you don't drive 30 miles to 'check your eyesight '. Seems a bit of an excuse. That's all.

  2. Don't you just love watching the lefties and liberals boxing themselves into ever smaller identity boxes.Reminds me of the arguments between student marxists leninists anarchists maoists trots and the rest, everybody else just wanted to have lunch

  3. "The only bit that niggles me is you don't drive 30 miles to 'check your eyesight '."

    If you've been badly ill, and you're facing a 269-mile drive, it doesn't seem that strange to drive 10% of that distance the day before, to be sure you can do it.

    And as I understood what he said- from watching the pressconference live- it was that he had had visual problems one day, did the test drive the day after that when his vision was OK, and returned to London the day after that. Of course, the MSM aren't reporting it like that.

    1. 30 miles is excessive. You can quite easily tell if your eyesight is ok after a couple of miles. There was no need to go so far, especially with a lockdown on. Also it has been mentioned about why it was Cummings driving and not his wife. He could have quite easily checked his eyesight being a passenger. What is the most annoying thing though, is the fact that the public have been fined for doing things like visiting vulnerable family members for essentials but as soon as an mp does it it makes it ok. Praise be, we should all be oh so thankful that the government is now reviewing these fines. People needing childcare or visiting vulnerable family members should not have been bloody fined in the first place. It's not until it happens to a big nob that something gets done. It shouldn't be like that in this country.

  4. "The only bit that niggles me is you don't drive 30 miles to 'check your eyesight '."

    Just wondering who he was interacting with during the drive, did he stop and have a party with friends or did he just drive with the window down?

    1. That's not the point and you know it. It was unnecessary to travel 30 miles. Therefore it should have been deemed as a non essential journey. If it was Joe Public doing this and they were fined, would you, Boris and co stick your neck out and see that fine overturned? I highly doubt it. Yet ordinary members of the public trying to do their best in hard situations have been fined. What makes Cummings so special? He is a chum of the Prime Minister. So it's overlooked when it should be dealt with properly and by properly Cummings should do the decent thing and admit the excessiveness of the journey was unnecessary.

  5. I wonder why Cummings didn't ask how many of the Leftwaffe had criticised The Nepotism Kid, Stephen Kinock, when he drove during lockdown to wish his Dad a happy birthday which, in no sense of the word, could come close to a reasonable excuse? Instead, these media morons criticised the local Police for over zealousness when they sent him a very mild tweet abpout his journey. Perhaps it doesn;t matter when the one breaking lockdown is a Labour MP, rather than a Tory advisor. I wonder why none of the cretins admitted being a prat by failing to keep social distancing outside his house,while questioning him about doing the same?
    I understand that Cummings' 4 year old son is autistic and won't eat unless he is with someone he knows. Just imagine if both Cummings and his wife ended up in hospital with the CCP virus, leaving their child in the care of social services - and we all know how well social services, especialy in London, look after children. The only reasonable alternative was to take the child to the only other people he knows and was happy with.
    If I was in a similar position, I would probably have done the same, though I would have told my boss of my intention. The fact that he apparently didn't tell Johnson was an error on his part.
    Why didn;t his wife drive? I have no idea. Perhaps she was suffering from the CCP virus more than he was? Perhaps she wasn't insured to drive the vehicle? Perhaps she is of the nervous type, and there are lots of them around, who refuse to drive on motorways?
    The Leftwaffe, possibly secretly supported by Remainer Tory MPs, have seized upon this in an attempt to pursue their anti Johnson and anti Brexit agendas and, in true fashion, are being extremely selective in their wording.
    I don't know Cummings and not certain if I would like him, but I dislike bullies even more and the media and the Labour party are being just that.

  6. "...but I dislike bullies even more and the media and the Labour party are being just that." How odd. A plod retiree who rapidly developed a dislike of bullies.

    Is it too much to hope that your new dislike of bullies can ever match the scorn for your adorable, socialist-voting neighbours on both sides, Penise?

  7. "Why on earth Dom didn't ask them "Do you have young children yourself?". "What would you have done in my circumstances?" and "Which stance do you take over Brexit?""

    It wouldn't have mattered what he told them, sadly.

    "Don't you just love watching the lefties and liberals boxing themselves into ever smaller identity boxes."

    Hopefully, they'll disappear up their own orifices...

    "...it doesn't seem that strange to drive 10% of that distance the day before, to be sure you can do it."

    It's clumsy phrasing, though. It certainly hasn't helped.

    "...but I dislike bullies even more and the media and the Labour party are being just that."

    Apart from the ones shagging their married lover and therefore too busy to join the mob?
