Wednesday 27 May 2020

It's Deja Vu All Over Again!

Passers-by were horrified when they saw the young child fall to the ground from a flat on Station Road, Rainham, with a 'horrible thud' on Monday afternoon.
Onlookers screamed for help as the child lay motionless, grabbing the attention of the infant's father who poked his head out of the window before sprinting down to the road.
Gosh, I thought, that looks like a story I've heard before...and the photo in the 'Mail' rang bells.

And lo and behold!
In August 2014, an 18-month-old girl survived after falling 15ft from the front of the same block.
This time, no arrests. I wonder why?


  1. Article: "plunged from a fourth floor window in Kent"
    Picture: building doesn't have a 4th floor, by UK terminology.

  2. Why no arrests, well that's an easy one.There is no money to be made out of this, you are confusing our modern revenue gathering Police with the old time ones that enforced the law firmly but fairly.

  3. Anon has nailed it.

  4. Hey look it's news about my home town. Cross my fingers this time it's something good.

  5. "...building doesn't have a 4th floor, by UK terminology."

    Good point!

    "Hey look it's news about my home town. Cross my fingers this time it's something good."

