Tuesday 5 May 2020

Is That It...?

A police spokesman said: “Police received a report stating that on April 23, at about 9am, on Shelley Avenue in Sudbury whilst out jogging, a 37-year-old male saw a dog belonging to a woman being attacked by another dog.
“The male intervened but was bitten by the offending dog. No injury was caused. (Ed: huh..?)
“But when he asked for the details of the female owner she was abusive.
“The suspect has been identified and words of advice will be given.”
Why bother asking for more powers to deal with dangerous dogs if you then decline to bother using them?


  1. Oh FFS; be reasonable. Think of the paperwork - all that joined-up writing . . . .

  2. Indeed, why not batter them against a wall - oh, wait ...

  3. When I asked the owner of a dog attacking mine to control his animal recently he replied " shut your mouth or I will knock you out". So much for the rule of law, I didn't even bother to report it as the Police have no interest in actual law enforcement here anymore. Unless your a decent type of person who will pay the fine you can do what you like when you like.

  4. "Think of the paperwork - all that joined-up writing . . . "


    "So much for the rule of law, I didn't even bother to report it..."

    Sadly, the more people don't, the less the police will do.
