Tuesday 5 May 2020

Well, What's Going To Stop Him Then, Judge?

Judge Swinnerton told him "...you cannot go around behaving like this to perfectly innocent people trying to do their best in very, very difficult circumstances."
Because it's clearly not going to be the pathetic sentences the court hands out:
McCormick, of Woodchurch Lane, Prenton, Wirral, admitted intentionally causing harassment, assaulting an emergency worker and breaching a suspended sentence.
He's a thug who doesn't care who - or what - he attacks, as a glimpse at his lengthy record shows.
His previous convictions include injuring a four-month old Staffordshire Bull Terrier called Ty so badly he had to be put down in December 2013.
The then 22-year-old either deliberately pulled apart Ty's legs or swung him with force against a wall, experts ruled, leaving the animal so wounded it screamed when a vet examined him, after McCormick had done nothing to help the stricken pet.
Doing nothing seems to be his byword, especially when it comes to the instructions of the court:
He was jailed for 24 weeks in October 2014, consecutive to a 20-month sentence he was serving for battering his ex-girlfriend, despite at the time having a copy of a court order to stay away from her in his pocket.
It doesn't sound like a lot, does it?
This was later reduced by four weeks on appeal.
At the time of this latest hospital incident he had a nine-month suspended sentence hanging over him, for an affray at San Carlo restaurant.
There's only one 'suspended' sentence an animal like this deserves...


  1. As always in UK the law is only really applied to the law abiding. It's not really safe to be out and about here anymore but some betide you if you seek to defend yourself. More and more I feel like a Police victim rather than someone they are protecting.

  2. Import some Singaporean judges and bring back the lash?

  3. "As always in UK the law is only really applied to the law abiding."

    Sadly true.

    "Import some Singaporean judges and bring back the lash?"

    Ooh, imagine the 'Guardian' headlines!
