Thursday 28 May 2020

Usual Breed, Usual Owner...

The incident happened just before 8am on Saturday (May 2) when a mother and her daughter were walking their dog in the gravel pit section of the park, adjacent to Gipsy Lane.
A man approached them with his dog, a grey Staffordshire bull terrier, which was off its lead and the dog began to attack the women’s dog.
The daughter challenged the man who then hit their dog with a metal chain before striking the woman across the face.
What sort of 'man' does this?
A police spokesman said: "The suspect is described as a white man in his mid-30s, about 6ft 2in, of skinny build, wearing blue shorts, a grey hoody and a cap.
"He had facial hair and a silver face piercing."
Say no more...


  1. Not uncommon, I have had my little dog attacked by a loose bulldog type animal. The owner, who was about 40 years younger than me, offered to knock me out when I asked him to control his dog. Welcome to modern Britain where the rule of law does not exist and we have been deprived of the means to defend ourselves. If your a decent sort here your a ready made victim for any nasty who wants to prey on you and the Police don't give a s**t.

  2. Ordinary citizens are often abandoned to deal with a serious problem themselves because the people who should have dealt with it fail to do so. When patient folk have had enough it may be too late to prevent Justice being dispensed in default. Our local council estate was once home to a mixed race thug and his two pitbulls...which he more or less kept on 'elastic' leads. As anon above correctly points out, plod didn't give s**t until locals took matters into their own hands.

    In exactly the same way, that murdering Minneapolis plod, Derek Chauvin, will end up tasting vigilante justice. In or out of prison, at some stage he will cry for his own Momma and nobody will lift a finger (or knee).

  3. "Welcome to modern Britain where the rule of law does not exist and we have been deprived of the means to defend ourselves."

    A walking stick might well become de rigeur if this keeps up. With a lead weight in the end for, ummm 'stability'.

    "...plod didn't give s**t until locals took matters into their own hands."

    No specifics? Hmmm, did someone read the Stephen King novel 'Thinner'?

  4. "In exactly the same way, that murdering Minneapolis plod, Derek Chauvin, will end up tasting vigilante justice."

    And in the meantime, if cities burn and livelihoods are ruined, who cares?
