Thursday 28 May 2020

The Seller Would Like To Thank You For The Free Publicity...

Goodness me, what could this b...

*orders twelve*

It's like they've never heard of The Streisand Effect, isn't it?


  1. This is, as you say, a good example of the Streisand Effect in action. Stop Funding Hate are a bunch of dangerous Left wing censors who are associated with the equally odious Tell Mama and Citizens UK groups. It's odd isn't it that Stop Funding Hate do not go after those who make excuses for Josef Stalin or Mao or any other of the many Leftist nasties that the 20th and 21st century has produced?

    For more information on Stop Funding Hate, their politics and where they came from please see these two posts of mine from 2017.

    Part One

    Part Two

  2. "Traveller Movement"? Surely an oxymoron if ever there was one. Once they drop anchor, there is very little that will move them elsewhere unless, like urban locusts, they have stolen everything nailed down or otherwise, leaving a wasteland in their wake.

  3. The best way that the Caravan Utilising Nomadic TravellerS can stop the, alleged, hate is to abide by the laws of the land; respect other people's property; stop trespassing wherever they want and leaving faeces, rubbish, and old building materials, some of which are toxic, behind when they do finally move on, leaving the local taxpayers to have it cleaned up. To gain respect, you have to earn it. Showing some respect for others would be a start.
    I am sure that there are travellers who do leave the sites they move on to, in an as clean, or even cleaner condition, than when they moved on to it, but in over 20 odd years of being a front line Police officer, I have not seen it, or heard of it. Perhaps this Stop Funding Hate group can give some examples?

  4. Surely they are not casting nasturtiums at our beloved traveling folk? Try bricks.

  5. "Stop Funding Hate are a bunch of dangerous Left wing censors who are associated with the equally odious Tell Mama and Citizens UK groups. "

    All, I suspect, funded by the multitudinous Soros fronts out there.

    "Surely an oxymoron if ever there was one. Once they drop anchor, there is very little that will move them elsewhere unless, like urban locusts, they have stolen everything nailed down..."


    "To gain respect, you have to earn it. Showing some respect for others would be a start."

    Why would they ever need to, when useless politicians will afford them what they don't deserve regardless?

    "Surely they are not casting nasturtiums at our beloved traveling folk? Try bricks."

