Friday 29 May 2020

What Does It Take To Make You Do Your Job?

A spokesman for Essex Police said: “We were called at 8.10am on May 17 with reports a woman had been verbally abused by a man in Snakes Lane, Southend, and he had thrown a deckchair towards her dog.
“Officers attended and...”
Arrested the miscreant?

Ha ha ha ha! No. Of course not.
“...gave the victim safeguarding advice.We continue to investigate the incident.”
How, exactly? What are you doing? The lady herself shows more backbone:
“I usually go with my husband and my daughter says I shouldn’t go alone, but why should I be pushed out of where I go every single day.
“I thought I’m not going to be intimidated.”
It's ok, love, the Essex Police Farce will be intimidated on your behalf. All part of the 'service'...


  1. Well it is Essex. Presumably the police arrived long after the perpetrator had fecked off. She's lucky she only got the lecture. She could have been called on to pay a victim surcharge*.

    *It's a play on words, before some thicko tells me what it really is - another tax.

  2. The National Association of Cowardly Police Chiefs and the Association of Crime Commissioners, recently stated: “The lack of sufficient and appropriate accommodation for Gypsies and Travellers remains the main cause of incidents of unauthorised encampment and unauthorised development by these groups.”

    It added that criminalisation of trespass would likely breach the Human Rights Act 1998 and the Equality Act 2010. Cambridgeshire plod concurred, saying it “would be criminalising a culture and lifestyle”.

    West Yorkshire plod take the view that existing powers enabled a swift and effective response where necessary, whilst the Surrey farce said: “Revised powers do not tackle the root cause of site provision.”

    It's thanks to all of the above pusillanimous milksops, that 'Victim Safeguarding Advice' becomes plods' el numero uno work dodge.

  3. The Police have surrendered the streets to the yobs, just stay in your houses and don't bother the officer. He or she is no doubt busy preying on motorists or up to their eyes in revenue gathering, paid your TV licence this month madam? Our town centre is exactly the same, beggers, drunks, cyclists hurtling along the pavements and the odd fight but never any Police presence. Thank goodness for online shopping.

  4. "What Does It Take To Make You Do Your Job?"

    Well now you know the answer, just get the guy from Hull to come down there with his Micheal Jackson scarecrow.

  5. "She's lucky she only got the lecture."

    Nothing would surprise me about Essex plod...

    "It's thanks to all of the above pusillanimous milksops, that 'Victim Safeguarding Advice' becomes plods' el numero uno work dodge."

    Speaking sense at last.

    "Well now you know the answer, just get the guy from Hull to come down there with his Micheal Jackson scarecrow."

    Thankfully, they weren't police. They were something even less useful.
