Wednesday 22 July 2020

Awareness Of Knives: Complete

A young offender stabbed another teenager to death at a community centre with a 10-inch Rambo knife while on a knife awareness course, a court has heard.
YCMIU, could you?
Michelle Nelson QC, prosecuting, said: 'There is a cruel irony in this case that Hakim Sillah was stabbed while he was attending a weapons awareness training course.
'The course was for young offenders, those aged under 18 with a previous offence related to weapons.'
Ms Nelson said that all participants at the centre had been risk assessed before the session, which was run by the Youth Offending Teams (YOTS), and that 'those classified as high risk were precluded from attending'.
'Both the young men must have been risk assessed, but the sad reality is that both attended that course carrying knives,' she said.
I guess no-one told them there wasn't a practical on this course...


  1. NHI.
    I'm going to suggest knife arches at the entrance to these courses. Will be flashing like Blackpool illuminations as the poor misunderstood youth pour in.

  2. I hate to imagine what the "high risk" ones are like.

  3. Couldn't they have given them all a knife, locked them in a room together and told them that the last one standing would get a free Big Mac?

  4. Seems to me a good result, even for the taxpayer. Two knife-carrying little shits are gone and paying for some thug's prison term must be cheaper than have him on the streets.

  5. I think I've done myself a mischief, laughing at this.

    Does that make me a bad person?

  6. This article just can't be the truth! I distinctly remember the government saying knife carrying offenders would go to prison. More fake news or could it be the government didn't live up to its own bull***t?

  7. Hakim, go on, Hakim. I said Hakim, not Stabbim - he's in another room.

    We don't get to know the name of the stabber, 'cos he's bl... Oh, sorry, under 18.

  8. "I'm going to suggest knife arches at the entrance to these courses."

    I'm rather surprised they don't already have them!

    "I hate to imagine what the "high risk" ones are like."


    "Seems to me a good result, even for the taxpayer. Two knife-carrying little shits are gone..."

    But the expense of the trial..?

    "I think I've done myself a mischief, laughing at this."

    You're in good company here... *passes you the popcorn*

    "This article just can't be the truth! I distinctly remember the government saying knife carrying offenders would go to prison. "

    I know, it's almost like they are born liars, isn't it?
