Wednesday 22 July 2020

Quick, Order More Popcorn!

You always need shedloads when the VirtueSignallers go to war against each other!
The US country group Lady A – known until recently as Lady Antebellum, before changing their name to shed its slavery-era connotations – is suing the blues and gospel artist Lady A over use of the name.
Oh boy! Buckle up, Reader! It's going to be a wild ride...
When the trio first announced the name change in June out of respect for black Americans, it appeared that they were unaware that Anita White had been performing as Lady A for 20 years. “This is my life,” White said at the time.
Such 'respect for black Americans' they failed to see if an actual black American might already be using the name. Wow! I guess they are the villains of this piece?
Shortly after the announcement, two parties shared an image of a Zoom call and said they were “moving forward with positive solutions and common ground”. Those talks have broken down. In a statement, the members of the country group said that representatives for White “demanded a $10m [£7.79m] payment”.
Oh, Maybe not!
In an interview with Vulture published yesterday, White said she is seeking $10m (£7.8m) in order to use half to rebrand and market herself, with the other half to be donated to charities including those that support independent black artists.
Oooh, nice one! How can they possibly object? She's played a blinder!
She said she felt the band’s actions had branded her as an “angry black woman”.
Not sure 'angry' is the word I'd have chosen...
“$5m is nothing, and I’m actually worth more than that, regardless of what they think. But here we go again with another white person trying to take something from a black person, even though they say they’re trying to help. If you want to be an advocate or an ally, you help those who you’re oppressing. And that might require you to give up something because I am not going to be erased.”
Ah, how delicious!


  1. Why not just admit that they screwed up, pick another name and then tell her she's getting f all?

    As for her being oppressed, how? How exactly is she being oppressed? Oh that's right, she isn't she's just claiming to be.

  2. So if they hadn't caved to the noisy left, none of this would have happened? I bet nobody actually asked them to change their name either, they just jumped on a bandwagon.
    Oh well, as a big fan of country music I can tell you, Lady A(ntebellum) are bloody rubbish

  3. Do they think "Ante" means "Against", rather than "Before"?

  4. Ps. Just a quick note to say there's a Bulgarian woman working here who is a cleaner. All her family have come over to take jobs that British people can do. She is nice enough but she was telling me she has a house, a flat that she rents out and a shop that she rents out in Bulgaria. She is hired for 6 hours a day to clean yet she does as little as she can and sucks up to the staff by cooking extravagant meals for lunch (paid for on taxpayers money). She and her family came here to make more money to have an extremely comfortable life back in Bulgaria. They are not hard up. But you should understand that jobs here should be for the British people first. Just saying. X

    1. I take it you don't agree with me. You only publish the posts that you don't agree with.
      I am not a racist or a discriminator, but as a straight white British person I have had enough. There will be a time when others like me will rise up too. We are fed up with being told by the latest trendy brigade on what we should think, how we should be, and how we don't matter.
      Our time will come. It's a promise.

  5. "I take it you don't agree with me. You only publish the posts that you don't agree with."


    Personally I don't have a problem with hard working and enterprising people coming to the uk to better their situation. My problem is with indiscriminate immigration that fills the country with undesirables like the stabby lot in the previous post.

  6. "My problem is with indiscriminate immigration that fills the country with undesirables like the stabby lot in the previous post".

    In Huddersfield, we support far too many immigrants who arrived with no intention of working. For as long as our council and government hands out taxpayers' dosh to provide all their needs, they will continue to party with drugs all day or hang about pubs and betting shops. Baby Boomers have a deeply ingrained cultural response to unemployment and sponging, whilst many young immigrants feel no shame in living out their lives on the dole and boosting State handouts with criminal activities or exploiting the unfortunately branded 'black' economy. These people form menacing 'gatherings' in the evenings, usually in the unpoliced town centre or other no-go areas, where the majority of our nocturnal violence and drug dealing, takes place.

  7. It's not just Huddersfield Melvin. It's the same in Sussex where I am. Night times in the town centre are a no go. Burglaries on the rise. Assaults. And never a police officer in sight. These 'poor' immigrants always have trendy trainers and mobile phones though.

  8. "Why not just admit that they screwed up, pick another name and then tell her she's getting f all?"

    Because lawyers are involved, and they want paying!

    "Oh well, as a big fan of country music I can tell you, Lady A(ntebellum) are bloody rubbish"

    I can't say I'm a big fan of the genre, but when I do listen, it's classics like Kenny Rogers...

    "Do they think "Ante" means "Against", rather than "Before"?"


    "I take it you don't agree with me. You only publish the posts that you don't agree with."

    I publish the ones that make some kind of sense. There...well, aren't many. Though I'm never sure which 'Unknown' is which! Pick a recognisable handle, eh?

    "These 'poor' immigrants always have trendy trainers and mobile phones though."

    Funny that...
