Monday 27 July 2020

Maybe Twitter And Instagram Should Ask You Why It's Taking So Long To Stop The Dover Invasion, Priti..?

Priti Patel blasted grime star Wiley today over 'abhorrent' anti-Semitic social media posts - and demanded to know why Twitter and Instagram took so long to remove them.
'Social media companies must act much faster to remove such appalling hatred from their platforms.'
When it comes to removing vile and unwanted material, you've got nothing to crow about, have you, sweetie?


  1. I think we are seeing a typical government tactic - make a fuss about something innocuous to cover up a big failing.

    Maybe we should be asking the hard question of why are all the able bodied insurgents being allowed into the country? They could just as easily be collected when they land and be moved to a RAF airfield, loaded aboard a transport plane and be taken back to their country of origin. Those that are running lose should be rounded up and given the same deal - no hand outs just transport back to their country.

  2. "...a typical government tactic - make a fuss about something innocuous to cover up a big failing."

    I suspect you're right.
