Monday 27 July 2020

"Take Two Wheels And Call Me In The Morning..."

The Bungler just keeps getting more and more incoherent.
They will be able to get free hire or borrow bikes from surgeries.
Assuming they can get into those surgeries in the first place, eh, Boris? And...'free' hire? Err, no. The taxpayer's paying. Again.
The PM has pinched the idea from former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, whose £7.2billion cycling and walking plan unveiled at last year’s General Election included bikes on the NHS.
The fact that the most widely reviled Labour leader for a century thought it was a good idea is a sign it's not, you moron!
It is part of Mr Johnson’s new obesity strategy, which demands calorie counts on restaurant ­menus and alcohol sold in shops.
What happened to your opposition to 'sin taxes', Boris? Why should your brush with death mean we all have to suffer?
The Better Health campaign, aimed at 35million overweight Brits, will ban junk food ads ­before 9pm and target online ads.
Like a reformed smoker, he's determined to change everything...


  1. He has to go. If enough Fauxservative MPs twig that their seats are in danger at the next election they might begin to object to the leftward gallop, but even without that I could well imagine the government imploding under the weight of its own stupidity within a year or two.

  2. Did you know that Specsavers offer solutions for the myopic, JuliaM?

    If the cost of the National scheme is less than the staggering annual cost of obesity to the NHS and the general economy, then it makes great sense. The decision must also have been influenced by the success of the London cycle hire pilot scheme and frightening obesity forecasts in the aftermath of Covid-19.

    It also makes sense to get those employed in public 'services', to actually move their adipose tissues and 'work'...dare I suggest cycle? And it can't be right that the prospect of standing within a metre of these lazy fat bastards on any given day, is greatly enhanced by joining a takeaway queue.

  3. Wow does that mean I can borrow a bike and hurtle along the pavement mowing down pedestrians like the other cycling menaces we have here? It's illegal but just about the only place I have seen it enforced is Westminster, says it all really. It could be an idea to print calorie counts on labels but for information only, just as long as it doesn't lead to more "sin" taxes I suppose.

  4. As long term smokers become 'with finder general' like over other smokers when they quit, so Fat Boris has become, after being told him being overweight made him a target for the CCP virus, quoting BMI but ignoring the fact that it has been discredited.
    Meanwhile, he could show he means what he says when he donates the No10 wine cellar and liquor cabinet to a Hartlepool Day Care Centre. After that, he can stop the bars in the two Houses of Parliament from selling alcohol or fizzy drinks, outsource the (subsidised) dining to MungbeansRus, and make all MPs in both Houses have daily sessions with Joe Wicks (no idea who he is but everyone talks about his fitness regime).
    After 6 months, all MPs to be topless when sitting during PM's Questions to show how much weight they have lost (Diane Abbott will be excused this as, no matter how much weight she loses, the BBC still won't have a sufficiently wide angled lens for close ups).
    Of course, this won't happen because Fat Boris is not bothered about the ruling elite, only the common people. Tossers, all of 'em.

  5. The 'cost' of obesity to the NHS is claimed to be around £6 billion, which is a drop in the ocean for a service which has the money to pay for thousands of pen pushers and diversity consultants and operations to help loonies pretend to be women. However the cost is exaggerated out of all proportion by power-craed public health officials, everyone of whom needs to be sacked.
    The state wastes HUNDREDS of billions of pounds yet 57th raters like Hancock think they have the right to lecture people on losing weight to 'save the NHS £100 million'. Apart from the totally spurious number, £100m is a rounding error for the NHS.
    Fundamentally, it is precisely fuck all to do with the state how much or what people eat. Or what they drink. Or what substances they choose to consume.

  6. poliewoman pat ella27 July 2020 at 18:29

    its wonderfull for us that we as got Mr jonson as i is a bit chubby to. And i wud luve a new free bike and i luv peeple wot is not wite like wot us is

  7. Obesity 'crisis'? I've seen some fat folks but the vast majority of people I see are reasonably normal in their appearance. OK, there's a few who could lose a bit of weight, but very, very few who are obese. So what's the bloody panic over a tiny minority of the population who are fat b'stards? Why should ordinary-sized people have to pay for this tiny minority of fatties to lose weight??

  8. most expensive bikes are power assist which will be funded halfwaythrough gov. scheme. lazy fatties not pedalling to fitness. another scheme for a bunch of self entitled scardey cats. what have we become? gotta ignore the gov. until a proper one turns up. oh look we are here)

  9. UsedtobeBanned29 July 2020 at 02:22

    If they are anything like the NHS specs from the 1960's nobody would be seen dead on one.

  10. "He has to go. If enough Fauxservative MPs twig that their seats are in danger at the next election they might begin to object ..."

    I think they are well aware that there's no reasonable alternative. So what are those voters going to do?

    "The decision must also have been influenced by the success of the London cycle hire pilot scheme..."

    Ha ha ha ha! Oh, you are a card sometimes, Melv.

    "After 6 months, all MPs to be topless when sitting during PM's Questions..."

    THAT won't help the BBC with their licence pleading!

    "Fundamentally, it is precisely fuck all to do with the state how much or what people eat. Or what they drink. "

    Spot on!

    "gotta ignore the gov. until a proper one turns up."

    That might be a while...
