Tuesday 28 July 2020

When VirtueSignalling Goes Very Wrong...

Our brave 'non-award-winning freelance journalist' walks into a gift shop...

And, as these people do, feels free to badger the bemused sales assistant about items they themselves don't want to buy and so - of course! - no-one else should be able to buy. Because they are offended.

But then...

Oh noes! You mean other people can be offended too! Well, I hope you've learned a valuable less...

Oh. Clearly not. 

How dare he take pictures, Adam. HOW VERY DARE HE! 

Only you can do that. Can't you? 

Well, I hope this at least has taught you a valuable less...


Yes. Having failed and been routed like the little whipped cur he is, he now wants to whip up a mob to ruin a small business because they dared to stand up to him. How very typical, as we see so often at David Thompson's blog.

Hey, Adam - maybe you wouldn't need to get your mental health looked at at taxpayer expense if you were a nicer person? Have you tried that? It's free!


  1. "Considering I self-referred myself" - well, he wouldn't have self-referred someone else would he? Or would he?

  2. A plague on the colour of hate and division. For my part, I confess responsibility for the Yamaha Grand in my lounge. A piano which has always been as ebony as the ace of...well, you get the picture. Adam could too, if he brought a pair of stepladders to peer over the hedge and snapped away. But I don't want to be identified on Facebook as someone unsympathetic to his cause. No, Sir. Immediately after breakfast I will be on my way to B & Q and buy 5 litres of pure white emulsion and a brush...bleached bristles, please.

    There! What's next, today?

  3. Almost makes you want to go buy a golliwog. Adam is a pretentious, self-righteous arsehole that is typical of the Tawatterati of the Woken SS.

  4. Clicking on the link, it seems his Twatter account is gone.

  5. Golliwogs. When I was young I'd never seen a black person. Oh Happy Days! But, I got a positive impression of black people because my sister loved her golliwog.

    They aren't real. My sister's golliwog never stabbed anyone, and didn't take or sell drugs.

  6. Is it just me, or has he really deleted the account?

  7. Looks like he's deleted his twitter account now

  8. With a heavy heart I am predicting that a politically correct ladder-climbing senior police officer will get involved in this childish spat.

  9. How dare you expose these ridiculous idiots Julia get back into you dung heap at once :-)

  10. Annnnnd just like that his Twitter was gone!

    Expect a sob sister piece soon in the Indy about 'My Twitter Troll Hell'.

    The real giveaway is the he seems genuinely outraged that people are doing to him as he does unto them. He can do what he wants to his victims but Gaia forbid they do the same to him. All sounds a little like.... privilege.

    That's the real takeaway here. That's why people don't value journalism. They're not speaking truth to power, they're speaking truth from power - a bunch of metropolitan rich kids harrying the unwoke bumpkins.

  11. At least the shop got some good publicity for a time so it can't be all bad.

    Will the soy-boys never learn that most people don't agree with them - we need more people, like the shop owner, to stand up against them.

  12. By coincidence, I'm going to that area in a couple of weeks, I shall now seek out that shop and spend as much as I possibly can, probably on the most 'offensive' products, then they'll re-stock even more of them and wind-up those brain-dead woke-leftie arseholes even more.

  13. Robert the Biker28 July 2020 at 21:13

    I wonder if the shop do mail order? I'll certainly buy one just to piss off the scumbags.

  14. I still remember collecting metal golliwogs from marmalade jars and very fond I was of them.
    Is there something particularly un-woke about Stone Island Sweaters since he mentions it twice ?

  15. UsedtobeBanned29 July 2020 at 02:18

    Trip Advisor ratings
    485 Excellent
    4 Terrible

  16. "Is there something particularly un-woke about Stone Island Sweaters since he mentions it twice?"

    It's a popular label with the footie hooligan fraternity. He's basically trying to imply that Tommy Robinson runs said gift shop :-)

  17. "...well, he wouldn't have self-referred someone else would he? Or would he?"

    Good point! :D

    "Almost makes you want to go buy a golliwog."

    It's a bit far, or I would!

    "Clicking on the link, it seems his Twatter account is gone."

    Oh dear, what a shame.. ;)

    "With a heavy heart I am predicting that a politically correct ladder-climbing senior police officer will get involved in this childish spat."

    The shiny trousered Common Purpose plants must be arm-wrestling each other for the opportunity...

    "The real giveaway is the he seems genuinely outraged that people are doing to him as he does unto them."

    They never like it up 'em, do they?
