Monday 20 July 2020

The Naming Of Terrorists Is A Difficult Matter, It Isn't Just One Of Your Holiday Games...

You may think at first I'm as mad as a hatter when I tell you a Muslim must have different names...
Police are considering dropping the terms 'Islamist terror' and 'jihadi' because they 'don't help community relations.'
Alternatives suggested include 'faith-claimed terrorism', 'terrorists abusing religious motivations' and 'adherents of Osama bin Laden's ideology,' The Times reported.
Who on earth is suggesting this? Well, the enemy within, of course:
A Muslim police organisation claimed today's official terminology fuelled negative perceptions, stereotypes, discrimination and Islamophobia.
It instead suggested an Arabic word, 'Irhabi,' could be deployed. It is used throughout the Middle East to describe those with extremist views.
Nah, I think we'll stick with our own terms, thanks. If you're keen on Middle Eastern terms, why not go live there instead?
David Toube, of Quilliam, a counter-extremism think tank, told The Times: 'People do not like to feel that they are being told only the partial truth ... there is a serious problem with Islamist terrorism.
'The use of any term that obscures that fact risks damaging public trust in the police.'
Could it possibly be damaged any further?


  1. Could we start calling them Allah Akbars?

  2. It annoys me equally when these scum are described as 'British' - Christ on a bike, don't we have enough scum of our own without importing more?

  3. You could use the term 'Daesh', which I understand the Muslim terrorists consider derogatory, to describe them. Or you could describe them as followers of Alan's snackbar, a term which a lot of them use when stabbing innocent men, women, and children - and, yes, the term suggested is spelled as shown. These murdering scum use the term 'Jihad' themselves, considering their maiming and murdering is acceptable as part of a holy war, so calling them Jihadi terrorists is a correct term.
    There is only one way to stop the members of the RoP being described in a way they consider to be unhelpful for community relations. Thatis for them to stop killing non Muslims, integrate into the society of the country they willingly came to, and accept, peacefully, that not everyone wants to follow their religion/cult/enter your own word here. Unless, and until, they do that, they lose any right to be described as anything other than what they are.

  4. I have a good suggestion, which is that somewhere we build a big concrete wall at the end of a tarmac road, and back the wall with a great big soil embankment. Then, we can invite anyone who cares to commit suicide in the name of the Deluded Arab Paedophile to blow themselves up in a car laden with explosives at the end of a high speed run.

  5. Penseivat, you have missed an important point.
    For the average, pieceful, muslim, killing a non-believer is no different from treading on an ant. For the vielent ones, killing a non-believer is an aspiration.

  6. 'Daesh' is simply the Arabic language equivalent of the acronym 'ISIS'. We should stick to English - and preferably the plainer the better.

  7. Just as long as we don't use nasty words and upset the people who are killing us all will be OK then.

  8. Robert the Biker20 July 2020 at 16:56

    How about " murderous ragheaded pigfucking scum", and while I'm on, all the PC Plods can take their 'community cohesion' and shove it up their arses, I have no ' community' in common with murderous monkey shit.

  9. I can imagine this being the best idea of a plod group tasked with promoting trust in the police 'proffesion'.

    On this one I couldn't refuse a pillion ride from the Biker.

  10. As a white English Alan, I am hurt by the "Alan's snackbar". I suggest "a**e backwards".

  11. So what do we call the bunch of wet nellies who no longer carry out any policing?

    Answers on a postcard, please.

  12. I can't wait to turn up at work tomorrow and get an email from a senior officer explaining how we have to kiss the arses of this vermin.

  13. OK, so there's a "Muslim Police Officers Association". Let's have "Christian Police Association". Oh, there's also a "Black Police Officer's Association'. So let's have a "White Christian Police Officers Association". If not, then WHY NOT???

  14. @Alan Scott,
    I prefer "Aloha Snackbar" if that's any comfort.

  15. UsedtobeBanned21 July 2020 at 00:47

    Monotheistic Mayhem Merchants would be nice and inclusive.
    The is currently an article @ UnHerd by a teacher describing life in a migrant majority school in London. She tells of fantastically motivated first generation migrant kids being GRATEFUL and hard working before being inculcated with 'oppressed victimhood' by our own lefty libtard 'teachers': would explain why todays young adult migrants are so much more feisty than those I knew in the 70's.

  16. Selsey Steve,
    My force had a Christian Police Association, plus Black, Muslim, and LGBGT Associations. One April 1st, a colleague of mine celebrated his retirement, by sending out, on his last day, what looked like an official notification of the forming of an Athiest, Agnostic, and Satanic Police Association. Before HQ closed it down, there were more than 40 applications to join or requests for more information. Oh, they were good days :-).

  17. Alan and Selsey.Steve,
    Noted. Sorry. "aloha snack bar"it is from now on.

  18. "Could we start calling them Allah Akbars?"


    "You could use the term 'Daesh', which I understand the Muslim terrorists consider derogatory..."

    That was being touted when May was back in government, wasn't it? Seems to have died out, like her career...

    "We should stick to English - and preferably the plainer the better."


    "So what do we call the bunch of wet nellies who no longer carry out any policing?"

    Now now, this is a family blog!

    "I can't wait to turn up at work tomorrow and get an email from a senior officer explaining how we have to kiss the arses of this vermin."

    I expect Cressida has a draft ready to go...

  19. "If not, then WHY NOT???"

    We all know why.

    "...would explain why todays young adult migrants are so much more feisty than those I knew in the 70's."

    Keeping the schools closed is looking more and more like a good idea, isn't it?

    " Before HQ closed it down, there were more than 40 applications to join or requests for more information. Oh, they were good days :-)."

    LOL! Probably a disciplinary offence now, mind...
