Tuesday 21 July 2020

Why So Apologetic?

...when for once, you're doing your job?

Inspector Matt Moss added: “We understand the circumstances will be incredibly distressing for the public, but please be reassured that it is very rare for our officers to have to deal with an incident of this nature.
“The dog involved did have to be destroyed at the scene by attending officers.
"We do not take these sorts of decisions lightly, and we are confident that this was absolutely necessary in the circumstances to protect the wider public, due to the threat that the dog posed.”
Grow a pair, Insp Moss!

And hopefully when you 'investigate the circumstances' you'll have serious questions for the owner. Like, why would she feel a need to own such a brute?


  1. Inspector Moss is not green to appeasement and took the knee before DLM looted and trashed Sandown.

  2. Another reason to bring in Clarkson 's Law.

  3. Sometimes you just have to wonder why the police didn't shoot the owner at the same time.

  4. "Another reason to bring in Clarkson 's Law."

    I suspect the police would do well to look into the background of anyone wanting a 'pet' like this..

    "Sometimes you just have to wonder why the police didn't shoot the owner at the same time."

    Or just let their 'pet' get on with it.
