Sunday 2 August 2020

There, Their, Don't Worry...



  1. I trust that this will mean there will be no more morbidly obese nurses criticising patients for having too high a (discredited) BMI reading; no more fat receptionists or even doctors in their surgeries; no more porkers working anywhere in the NHS or the Department of Health, and definitely no'more overweight politicians telling us we have to slim down? No? Thought not. Reasons, you know.

  2. They're over there with their children. How is that difficult?

  3. Echo that. And there are some interesting observations about cycling at

  4. Thats going to make for some interesting doctors appointments:

    'You need to lose some weight Mr Smith, your BMI is 28!'

    'Whats yours then fatso??'

    Given there are more and more women in medicine, and a decent proportion of them are lard arses, I can see one of two things happening - they'll either refuse to give the advice for fear of having it thrown back in their own faces, or they'll just give up work, making the lack of GPs even more critical.

  5. @Anon 13:10, include death or paralysis or brain injury to the list, although the way cyclist behave suggest they haven't much in the brain department to start with.

    @Penseivat, Spot on. Nothing worse than a fat twat telling you to lose weight. Boris has all the morality of a reformed whore.

    As I was born just after the war, I was into my teens before I saw a fat person. Perhaps we should ... or perhaps not.

  6. The incorrect their made me think of a song by Mitch Ben called 'All the small stuff' which is about lots of minor irritations of life.

    Y O U apostrophe R E is a contraction of you are.
    The possessive form of you is one word spelled Y O U R.
    It's really not that hard.
    It's really not that hard.
    It's really really seriously not that f***ing hard.

  7. Link:

  8. "I trust that this will mean there will be no more morbidly obese nurses criticising patients..."

    It would be nice to think so, wouldn't it?

    "...or they'll just give up work, making the lack of GPs even more critical."

    Do we really lack GPs? Or are the ones we have just hopelessly inefficient?


    Excellent find!
