Saturday 5 September 2020

It's The Footnotes That Give The Game Away...

According to a post-mortem examination report seen by the Rochester-based Democrat and Chronicle newspaper, Mr Prude's death was a homicide caused by "complications of asphyxia in the setting of physical restraint".

Oh, here we go again, eh? 

Police body camera footage obtained through a public records request shows Mr Prude, who had been running naked through the streets in a light snow before police arrived, lying unarmed as officers restrain him on the ground.

Hmmm. Odd behaviour, isn't it? 

Mr Prude's brother, Joe, called police in Rochester, New York, on 23 March as his sibling was suffering from acute mental health problems.


Mr Prude told officers he was infected with coronavirus, and they placed a "spit hood" over his head, which is meant to protect police from suspects' saliva.


The report also listed PCP, a strong hallucinogenic drug, as a complication.
What's the world coming to when a black man in America can't take horse tranquilizers, run naked in the snow and spit at police trying to restrain him to take him to a mental health facility?


  1. "What is the world coming to when nobody can believe a damn word from police?"

    A far more important question, which you have yet to ask, JuliaM.

  2. "What is the world coming to when nobody is surprised by Melvin yet again attacking the police without a good reason?"
    OK MTG-you explain how you would have restrained this man. Latin phrases? Clever quips from Shakespeare? Pray tell.

    1. He would have shot the coronavirus out of the suspect’s hand. Duh!

  3. Not much of a prude, eh?

    I just asked Quora if Davy Crockett's coonskin cap was black leather.

  4. "A far more important question, which you have yet to ask, JuliaM."

    I've asked it occasionally, but only when warranted.

    "He would have shot the coronavirus out of the suspect’s hand. Duh!"

