Friday 4 September 2020

Stereotypes Exist For A Reason...

Scarlett, who is considering taking legal action following her dismissal, said: “I can only assume I got racially stereotyped as being the angry person in this situation even though I was the victim of something. I also got told by colleagues my manager said I got fired for being divisive when actually I got along with the vast majority of people.”

Just 'the vast majority', eh? What about the others? 

...a number of colleagues complained and claimed they felt pressured into expressing support for BLM by Scarlett.


She had burst into tears and fallen to the floor and, when the manager came to ask what was going on, Scarlett said she did not want to speak to her.

Because that works, right? HR always recommend hysterics during discipline interviews... 

Scarlett was among 50 young black Britons interviewed by the Guardian following anti-racism protests this summer.

Well, let's take a look at what she had to say then, shall we? 

I was always quite angry at school. I always felt anxious and didn’t feel like I belonged. That’s not only to do with race but also my queerness as well.

You really couldn't make it up, could you? 


  1. Only needs to turn Muslim for the set.

  2. It's good that they sacked her. I wouldn't have been surprised if they sacked the people who complained about her instead. It seems to be getting like that these days

  3. I think that the moron was the person who hired her in the first place.

  4. My Mummy told me to always avoid scarlet women

  5. Apparently, G4S has more backbone than the police. If she'd been working for the Met she'd been given a £45K contract in an office somewhere.

    Another win for the private sector!

  6. There’s nowt so queer as woke.

  7. At least Scarlets antics will not have affected G4Ss productivity if there is as little going on at the MK testing station as there is at our one.

  8. Greencoat,
    Blagged, and will be used - with your permission, of course :-).

  9. "Only needs to turn Muslim for the set."


    "It's good that they sacked her. I wouldn't have been surprised if they sacked the people who complained about her instead."

    No, sadly, me neither. They must have concluded even potentially losing at industrial tribunal would still be better than having this viper in their bosom...

    "If she'd been working for the Met she'd been given a £45K contract in an office somewhere."

    The difference between the private sector and the public sector in a nutshell!

    "There’s nowt so queer as woke."

