Saturday 31 October 2020

More Of This!

A councillor who decorated his house for Halloween was asked to remove his ghosts and ghouls as they were 'scaring children' and affecting the mental health of passersby.

By one person. One.  

Ashan Jeeawon, 42, who works as a property stylist, was told his floating skeleton displays were detrimental to the mental health of the community.
But when he put the decorations up for a public vote, neighbours were overwhelmingly in favour of keeping the house of 'horrors'.


Mr Jeeawon, who lives in Bexhill, East Sussex, with his partner, sister, her three kids and his parents, decorates their house for every major holiday including Christmas, Easter, Diwali and Armistice Day.

Good for him! 

While he hasn't responded to the email yet, he is determined to keep the decorations.

Excellent! If only more people refused to be cowed by someone claiming to be 'offended', the world would be a much better place. 


  1. So, on my own, I can get every mosque shut down, because the bastards offend me, eh?

  2. Wouldn't it have been even better if the person who complained had been told to grow up and get a f*ck*n life?

  3. When will people realise that the rights of the minority always comes first in UK today? Especially if that minority is of non indigenous origin or follows a non Christian religion.

  4. "So, on my own, I can get every mosque shut down, because the bastards offend me, eh?"

    Worth a try!

    "Wouldn't it have been even better if the person who complained had been told to grow up and get a f*ck*n life?"

    Yes. Yes, it would.

    "When will people realise that the rights of the minority always comes first in UK today? "

    If we keep fighting back, one day we may reverse that.
