Friday 30 October 2020

'What an unpleasant, small-minded, grossly insensitive and unChristian thing to say and think.'

Well, yes, Paolo, that's the modern church for you. 

For every Dean of Southwark, willing to host a memorial service for a beloved cat, there's probably ten or more like the Bishop of Burnley, eager to support every right on political move around, yet unable to comprehend that most churchgoers would rather see a cat than a clergyman when they go to church...  


  1. It's understandable though. The Bishop sounds like a liberal so of course he's going to be offended by a creature that hunts rats.

  2. Ah, yes...the Bish of Burnley.

    Well 'oop' here, I hear that many are offering to lay hands on the prelate...and not simply because North is a well-known misogynist, zoophobe and idiot of the cloth, JuliaM.

    Taking his Christian name as the sole clue for his gender, he has already done more than most men to merit Vatican Twatification (Pig Latin, Jaded) had he opted for the Catholic steps.

  3. It is easy to be generous and compassionate with other people's money. Signing a petition is cheaper than actually getting your hand in your own pocket. Especially in the case of a footballer who probably gets paid more in a week that most people get in a year and doesn't even have to do a real job.

  4. Are the parents of these malnourished children going hungry? If they are good parents they must be.
    Maybe they are unable to buy and cook suitable food.
    Something must be done.
    Special food centres must be set up so that each of these families get a full, nutritious properly cooked diet. Religious centres are obvious locations for these food kitchens.
    Then we come to the problem of these poor families being stigmatised because of their obvious poverty. So the meals must be available to everyone.
    With every all diverse dietary requirement literally catered for.
    And transport must be laid on so that everyone can get to the food centre.
    And home again. Even from the most remote, and probably poorest, croft.
    You know it makes sense.

  5. "The Bishop sounds like a liberal so of course he's going to be offended by a creature that hunts rats."


    "Well 'oop' here, I hear that many are offering to lay hands on the prelate..."

    Looking him up on Google was...illuminating.

    "It is easy to be generous and compassionate with other people's money."

    So very true.

    "Are the parents of these malnourished children going hungry?"

    The ones I've seen on BBC News look like they could last a long time on a desert island without food, but with ample fresh water...
