Friday 30 October 2020

Well, It'll 'Free You Up', It's True...

Police should be freed from handling some domestic abuse and harassment complaints so they can focus on fighting crime and responding to emergencies, one of the country’s most senior police officers has suggested.
David Thompson, chief constable of West Midlands police, said forces were increasingly responsible for “policing relationships”, safeguarding and protection but it was “debatable whether or not that’s actually something best discharged by the police in all cases”.

...but I suspect you'll merely spend that extra time policing Christmas parties and pandering to fringe causes instead. 

As well as whining in the media that you've been wronged when we recognise you for the lazy, risk-averse identity politics-pandering farce that you really are.


  1. Remember this is Dave 'Burkha' Thompson who has never found a lefty or Islamic cause that he would not crawl up the arse of. A man truly unsuited to the job of managing policing equitably and fairly.

  2. But frankly, what would have been the point in telling everyone that the perp was a dark brown nutjob, and to avoid him? Surely, everyone with any sense avoids dark brown nutjobs anyway.

    When will the police do their job properly?

    (Hint. that's rhetorical. When Hell freeses over is not an answer, because Hell regularly freezes over, and the bastards still take the knee). Hell being an actual place,_Norway .

  3. Domestic abuse invariably turns into domestic violence, and even murder as the abuser, if not stopped, will feel they can get away with anything. As the main role of the Police is prevention of crime, to suggest they ignore such cases flies in the face of common sense, reason, and their oath. Whoever initially suggested this is a part.

  4. For quite some time the police have been cherry picking which law they will enforce and where. Rather like the article suggests it's becoming more obvious that they prefer to enforce lucrative law on those that will cause them least trouble. There has never been a better time to be a criminal or a worse time to be an ordinary law abiding citizen, that is a recipe for civil disaster but our short sighted, PC, woke, knee taking senior police choose not to see it.

  5. "A man truly unsuited to the job of managing policing equitably and fairly."

    The recruitment processes seem unable to select anything else, lately...

    "But frankly, what would have been the point in telling everyone that the perp was a dark brown nutjob, and to avoid him? Surely, everyone with any sense avoids dark brown nutjobs anyway."

    That's a very good point.

    "As the main role of the Police is prevention of crime, to suggest they ignore such cases flies in the face of common sense, reason, and their oath. "

    I'm no longer sure anyone of sufficient rank regards 'prevention of crime' as their main role!

    "For quite some time the police have been cherry picking which law they will enforce and where. "

    They think no-one's noticed. They are wrong.
