Thursday 29 October 2020

Once Again, The Most Dangerous Thing In The World Is A Policeman With A Twitter Account...

Michael Robinson, 30, decided he had no choice but to close Bridge Bar, on High St, last Saturday, as Tier 2 restrictions, which prohibit people from different households mixing indoors, came into force.
But on Saturday afternoon, Copers Cope Police tweeted the bar had been “ordered to close” after it “repeatedly breached Covid regulations”, despite the business never having been visited by the police or Council.

But it's OK, if he sues, it won't come out of their pockets. It'll be the taxpayer on the hook. Again. 

A clarification published today, almost 48 hours later, read: “Yesterday local police incorrectly stated that the Bridge Bar and Coach and Horses in Beckenham were ordered to close.
“This was incorrect.
“This was a management decision and not a police requirement.”

Given even new Twitter character limit isn't generous, wouldn't it have been easier to just say 'We lied'...? 


  1. Not even an apology? As a now ex (thank goodness) Police officer, a personal visit to apologise by a senior officer, and the twerp who sent out the original message, is the least that would have happened in my day.

  2. At least 95% of Twitter accounts give the impression of being operated by the intellectually challenged.

  3. "Not even an apology? "

    It appears not. You got out just in time, I think...

    "At least 95% of Twitter accounts give the impression of being operated by the intellectually challenged."

    I hope I'm one of the 5% (for once)? 😉
