Tuesday 27 October 2020

The 'Guardian' View - Wrong On All Counts...

More than 200 people gathered outside a former military barracks housing asylum seekers near Folkestone, to counter rising far-right activity against migrants.

They aren't asylum seekers, those objecting aren't 'far right' and they've got no quarrel with 'migrants', just with illegal immigrants like these... 

After the welcome event, around 50 protesters brandishing St George’s and the British flags marched while chanting racist messages.

Nice dog-whistle about flags there, but I note that there's no description of the so-called 'racist messages'. Probably because that too is wrong. Surely our oh-so-woke police would have sprung into action if they truly had been? 

The vast majority of people are supportive of migrants, but we don’t always hear their voice, we hear the voice of a very vocal, significant minority,” said Bridget Chapman, from the Kent Refugee Action Network.

It's probably true that the vast majority of people are 'supportive of migrants', yes. But they certainly aren't supporting of freeloaders crossing the Channel to disappear into the black economy... 

Among those supporting asylum seekers was Ross Emans, 43, who came with his son. “This is the first time I’ve been involved with a demonstration to support migrants,” he said, holding a sign that read: “Welcome.”
I used Google to translate “welcome” to Arabic. Hopefully, it’s correct!

Why Arabic, Ross? Are you making a bit of an assumption there? 


  1. Robert the Biker27 October 2020 at 11:04

    Dont know about this "vast majority", no ones ever bothered to ask me or anyone I know. For the record, I do NOT support any more migration, particularly more third world baboons, into our rather small island with its 65 million plus people. If we are so short of doctors etc. lets try training some here, lets make the feckless and workshy do something for their dole and lets finally stop every paddy pikey and toerag just getting on the ferry and coming here by right. Lastly, any and all ragheads and monkeys from these third world places who smuggle themselves in or steel a rubber raft are Instantly returned to the last country they came through, and forbidden from EVER coming to this country or applying for their fake asylum.

  2. Ross, if he actually exists is a tool.

  3. How many 'migrant supporters' want them living on their street?

    I recall a video from Sweden where an interviewer asked ordinary people if they would house an immigrant. Yes, they all said, showing their virtue-signalling at full strength. Then the interviewer introduced Ahmed or a guy with some such name and the enthusiasts blanched. Amazingly, they then revealed of course they would take him in but darn, there was always something stopping them... Just wasn't the right time.

  4. The roads are so busy it's hard to get across at times, the air is a cocktail of exhaust gas much of the time. I can't get an appointment to see a doctor often having to wait weeks and there are queues at every shop, bank, road junction and roundabout. My town centre is blessed with groups of young foreign men hard eyeing everyone around, then we have the aggressive foreign beggars and the foreign big issue sellers to contend with. Yes yes plenty of room here for all that want to come and sponge on the taxpayer.

  5. The Guardian, always wrong about everything all of the time. So, consistent at least.

  6. "Dont know about this "vast majority", no ones ever bothered to ask me or anyone I know."

    Me neither. The answer would be short and sharp should they ever do so.

    "Ross, if he actually exists is a tool."

    I really don't doubt he does exist...

    "Amazingly, they then revealed of course they would take him in but darn, there was always something stopping them... Just wasn't the right time."


    "Yes yes plenty of room here for all that want to come and sponge on the taxpayer."

    It really annoys me when people objecting to huge house developments are called NIMBY. It must surely be obvious that no-one wants to live in a Bladerunner-esque nightmare?

    "So, consistent at least."

    Their sole remaining virtue!
